Diana Chisholm

We hope you can join us this Thursday night, December 15th from 7-9pm for the closing reception for Diana Chisholm’s reception, Stray…


November 1 – December 15
Closing reception: Thursday December 15th 7-9pm

Chisholm’s new work is motivated by the material culture of Estevan, a once-flush oil town struggling through bust-times. Much of the evidence of this waning boom was gathered from social media sites, in this case Garage Sale Estevan, where locals offer previously enjoyed goods for sale. Chisholm’s photographic interrogation of this cultural milieu took her through Estevan’s back alleys, vacant industrial areas, and abandoned half-constructed buildings. Appropriately, she turned her own Instagram account into a record of her process.

Through this work, Chisholm attempts to unite two seemingly disparate roles: the artist and the transient worker. Many in both camps rightfully understand themselves as strays, their chosen career paths demanding of them a nomadic existence. Though all this wandering and wondering impedes the option of putting down roots, it offers a more developed understanding of place(s). This may be reward enough, for many working artists, rig workers, and the littlest hobo, “Every stop I make, I’ll make a new friend / Can’t stay for long, just turn around and I’m gone again.”





Images: Diana Chisholm, Untitled (Stray series), 2016

For more information,
please contact Linda Stark, Curator at 306.652.5310.
Gallery hours: Monday to Friday 7:30am – 10:30pm
Saturday 9:00am –  6:00pm, Sunday 11:00am – 9:00pm



