Diccon Olivier: Beautifully Broken

Diccon_Beautifully Broken
January 4 – February 26, 2016
Reception: Friday January 8, 7-9pm

I attended St. Thomas More College, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy in 1989. I took my first art class seven years ago and have not stopped painting since. Much of my work focuses on nature and reflects my childhood growing up on a farm in Northern Saskatchewan. I paint because it quells the urgency of understanding and because I love experimenting and playing with colour. I am a member of Artists Drawn Together, a group that was formed in 2014 in Saskatoon.

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Diccon_Tracks of Clay

Images (top to bottom):
Beautifully Broken, acrylic on canvas, 28” x 34”
Bear Island, acrylic on canvas, 30” x 36”
Tracks of Clay, acrylic on canvas,24” x 32″




