etching press


University of Saskatchewan Intermediate Printmaking Students
January 5 – February 28, 2015
Please join us for the opening reception: Friday, January 9 from 7-9pm

This is an exhibition of current University of Saskatchewan intermediate printmaking students. The purpose of this show is to provide a valuable experience in curating, planning and mounting a professional collective art exhibition. Printmaking has historically been celebrated as a hybrid medium that embraces diverse working methods. Tradition joins with creativity; the familiar is married to the unknown. The print is a vibrant contemporary vehicle for the dissemination of ideas, meaningful and critical discourse, artistic expression, and may even act as a catalyst for social change. Students have developed their images in traditional, newer print media methods, as well as in intersections between traditional and emerging technologies.
Featuring work by:
Baylie Blair
Jeremy Britz
Jordan Bulgis
Stephanie Dilsner
Cameron Johns
Zoe Lekac
Terra Lynn Lekach
Stephanie Mah
Aimee-Beth Martens
Leanne Munchinsky
Ashley Ridley
Brianne Skiftun
Taylor Stern
Qiming Sun



