Lindsay Arnold

January 5 – February 24, 2017
Opening reception: Thursday January 5, 6-8pm

STM Gallery is pleased to present this recent series of work by North Portal, SK artist Lindsay Arnold.

Tedium is a series of small-scale, detailed paintings using the humble, hand-made doily to explore aging and the role it plays in female identity and value. Tedium honours difficult experiences, acknowledges thankless repetitive labour, and questions the priority we place on perfection.

I am intrigued by issues of female identity, the myth of perfection, and perceived expectations of self.   As a wife and mother I find myself inundated with messages about what I should aspire to have, such as: the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect ageless face.  My work is a response to the behavior and compulsions related to striving for and maintaining a faultless appearance.  I use drawing and mixed media to explore female experience from the vantage point of the white picket fence.

Domestic life provides an abundance of miscellaneous items existing only to make things look nice.  Closets and drawers overflow with pretty wallpaper, gift wrap, china plates, doilies, lace, and buttons.  I employ lovely household detritus as a foil to the ugly side of human nature, endeavoring to charm and unsettle the viewer simultaneously (L. Arnold, 2016)

To learn more about the artist and her work, please visit:

For gallery information, please contact Linda Stark, Curator at
Gallery hours: Monday to Friday 7:30am – 10:30pm
Saturday 9:00am –  6:00pm, Sunday 11:00am – 9:00pm










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