Pressing Matters: An exhibition of new works by Ink Slab Printmakers

STM Ink Slab

January 6 – February 28, 2014

Reception: January 10, 7pm-9pm

Featuring work by Tyson J. Atkings, Patrick Bulas,Jillian Cyca, Jordan Danchilla,Keeley Haftner, Nora Jacek, Elizabeth McCorkell, Monique Martin, Michael Peterson,Derek Sandbeck, David Stonhouse, Joe Toderian, Alana Unruh, Shaela Verma, and Luke Warman.


Alana Unruh, A horse said, What is the grass?
woodcut, 15×15 framed, 2013

Martin_By my hook

Monique Martin,By My Hook
Ink on Hand-Marbled Paper, linocut, 55 x 7.5 cm, 2013

Sandbeck_Poaching Remains

Derek Sandbeck
Poaching Remains 5/12, Reductive Woodcut, 24” x 19”, 2010

Luke Warman_Tooth Decay

Luke Warman
9 out 10 Dentists Agree, Intaglio, Etching, Drypoint, Aquatint, 2013, 8” x 6”

Haftner_Potato Print (Red)

Keeley Haftner
Potato Print (Red)24 1/4″ x 20″, Etching ink, BFK Reeves, Woodcut, 2013

Jillian Cyca - Saskatoon

Jillian Cyca

Silkscreen,Saskatoon, 2012


Danchilla_The Conversation

Jordan Danchilla
The Conversation
Etching, aquatint with burnisher and chine-collé on B.F.K,  Paper size – 13″ x 18 5/8″
Edition of 3,2013

Bulas_Patrick_2_the roots of the Dyson Tree drifting through space (five)_50_40
Patrick Bulas
The roots of the Dyson Tree drifting through space (five), reductive woodcut, chin colle, 2011


Nora Jacek
Blackbird Braille, Collagraph, 10” x 10”, Printed in Daniel Smith oil-based etching ink (black) on Somerset Satin rag paper.


Michael Peterson
Driving to Oregon 2/7, Silkscreen, 2013

Neon Skyline - McCorkell

Elizabeth McCorkell
Neon Skyline,Silkscreen,Chine-Coleé, 2012

Joe Toderian

Spoon-fed Diet
, Intaglio,Etching, Drypoint, Aquatint, 2013









