All Issues

Online Issues

In 2020, in medias res began undergoing an online relaunch with a renewed emphasis on literary and artistic content. Publications since our relaunch are available below.

Volume 28 (2023-2024)

In this issue, contemplate the raw terror and rare beauty of decay.

In this issue, explore the significance of traditions, both old ones and new.

In this issue, dive deep into others’ minds, including their struggles and triumphs.

Volume 27 (2022-2023)

In this issue, explore the many meanings and interpretations of the horizon, from the beauty of possibility to the fear of the unknown.

Volume 26 (2021-2022)

“Metamorphosis” asks you to contemplate processes of change — the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly and everything in-between.

In issue 1.1, our contributors engage the idea of home as family, lovers, houses, travel, and connections to the land both here and far away. The intimacy constructed in these pages shows home as a comfort.

“Metamorphosis” asks you to contemplate processes of change — the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly and everything in-between.

In issue 1.2, contributors engage with the woes of constructing a home. Themes of colonialism, longing, diaspora, racism, struggle and a lack of roots haunt these pages, juxtaposing the comforting intimacy of 1.1.

Volume 25 (2021)

The theme we put forward for this issue is “Reflection,” and we invited artists to take that theme in as many directions as possible.

Everyone’s concept of love is something so personal, and it’s an honour to get a glimpse of it in the pieces in this issue.

Older Issues

Archived versions of the magazine’s previous style are also available below. Issues published before 2008 are available in hard copy at St. Thomas More’s Shannon Library.