What We Do

Student Development and Support Services

The Student Services Department at STM provides:

Our Staff


Purpose and Values

As active participants in the St. Thomas More College community, Student Services staff provide programs, activities, and services that advance the holistic development of our students. Our work is informed by research, institutional history, and the principles of good practice for student affairs at Catholic colleges and universities. The fruits of our work are realized when our students and graduates live lives of dignity, beauty, and purpose. Our primary goal is to help students come to the full measure of their humanity.

Core Values

  • We value our Catholic mission and identity inherited from the Congregation of St. Basil
  • We believe learning and development are a lifelong journey
  • Mercy, compassion, and patience are necessary virtues for our often frenetic and polarized modern society
  • We value social justice and community service
  • Pastoral care of students as whole people is our model
  • Student development is enhanced by collaboration among faculty, staff, students, and community
  • We value sustainability and good stewardship of resources

Academic Advising

Our advisors are available for appointments in person, by phone, or Microsoft Teams Meetings (video call). Use our online booking system or call 306-966-8900.

Advising Syllabus

What is Academic Advising?

Academic Advising is a collaborative teaching and learning process between a student and advisor.

"Academic advising is integral to fulfilling the teaching and learning mission of higher education. Through academic advising, students learn to become members of their higher education community, to think critically about their roles and responsibilities as students, and to prepare to be educated citizens of a democratic society and a global community. Academic advising engages students beyond their own world views, while acknowledging their individual characteristics, values, and motivations as they enter, move through, and exit the institution. Regardless of the diversity of our institutions, our students, our advisors, and our organizational structures, academic advising has three components: curriculum (what advising deals with), pedagogy (how advising does what it does), and student learning outcomes (the result of academic advising)." (From NACADA: Global Community of Academic Advising.)

Beyond understanding academic advising as a form of teaching and learning, we take a pastoral care approach that starts with a holistic appreciation of the student. For that reason, much advising involves a blend of academic and non-academic advice. 

Academic Advising Outcomes

If you get regular academic advising at St. Thomas More College and you do your part, you'll end up with a number of benefits.

  • A realistic plan to achieve your educational goals
  • Educational goals appropriate to your aptitudes, interests, and vocational aspirations
  • Working knowledge of your program requirements and relevant procedures and policies
  • A better understanding of your program's curriculum and how the skills you develop in that program can be helpful professionally
  • Knowledge of college/campus services and opportunities to assist you in achieving your academic, personal, and career goals
  • A sense of what makes STM unique within the University of Saskatchewan
  • A forum to make sense of your university learning experiences, both formal and informal
  • An appreciation for the importance of personal development and continuing education

What's your role as the student?

  • Seek out advising before problems arise
  • Have regular conversations with your advisor (at least annually)
  • Come to appointments prepared
  • Spend time reveiwing and reflecting on what you discuss with your advisor
  • Study the university policies and procedures that are relevant to you
  • Take responsibility for your actions/choices and learn from experience

What will an STM advisor do for you?

  • Listen to you and try to understand who you are and what you need
  • Ask questions to help you come to conclusions
  • Teach you where and how to find what you need to know
  • Make suggestions and answer your questions to the best of our ability
  • Inform you about services and programs that could assist you

Advising Resources for Students

DegreeWorks (degree auditing system) is accessible through PAWS

To access DegreeWorks:

    • Log into PAWS with your NSID and password;
    • Click the Academics tab;
      • Locate the My Academic Profile channel;
      • Click the DegreeWorks button or link.

Important Dates

The University of Saskatchewan Academic Calendar lists the official schedule of important dates.

Declare as an STM Student

Declaring as a St. Thomas More College Student gives you access to MORE!

USask Arts and Science students have the option to additionally declare as a STM student.

As a declared STM student you have access to:

  • MORE transition support to have a successful first year
  • MORE student services such as academic advising
  • MORE scholarship and bursary opportunities
  • MORE on-campus job opportunities
  • MORE community opportunities to connect with talented faculty, staff, and students in a dynamic learning environment

All of this comes with no extra cost, no program restrictions, and you remain a U of S Arts & Science student at the same time. (only available to undergraduate Arts and Science students)

Are you studying outside of Arts and Science? Then Declaring is not for you. Instead, you can join the welcoming STM community by taking part in our many student clubs, participating in Campus Ministry offerings or just making STM your home-away-from-home. All are welcome at STM!

Here's what you need to do

  1. Go to the St. Thomas More College channel in your PAWS account and click the"Declare as STM Student" button.
  2. You may need to search for the channel in the PAWS Search. Search "declare" or St. Thomas More College.
  3. Click "Yes" 
  4. Click the “Submit” button.

Find STM Classes in PAWS

STM classes

  • Any U of S student can register in classes taught by St. Thomas More College.
  • St. Thomas More College classes are U of S credit courses.

STM classes are listed in PAWS along with Arts & Science sections.

  • Look for section numbers between 60-79
  • Look for the "St. Thomas More College class" attribute in the right hand column of the PAWS course offerings.
  • Using the advanced search function, you can type "St. Thomas More College Class" in the attributes box and the search results will only show STM classes.

Information for Graduating Students