The Irene and Doug Schmeiser Centre for Faith, Reason, Peace, and Justice is dedicated to fostering excellence in teaching, research, and community outreach in three of STM’s interdisciplinary and distinctive program areas:
Catholic Studies, engaging the intersections of faith, reason, and culture in Catholic traditions.
Critical Perspectives on Social Justice and the Common Good, exploring expressions of justice and solidarity across diverse cultures and contexts.
Peace Studies, concerned with the analysis and creative transformation of conflict.
CFRPJ Program Committee
Darcie Lich, Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Heather Peters, Mennonite Central Committee Saskatchewan
Myron Rogal, Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon
Lesya Sabada, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon
Blake Sittler, St. Paul’s Hospital, Saskatoon
Tammy Marche, Dean of STM (Chair)
Sarah Powrie, Chair, Catholic Studies Program Committee
Ria Jenkins, Chair, Critical Perspectives on Social Justice and the Common Good Program Committee
Cynthia Wallace, Director, Irene and Doug Schmeiser Centre for Faith, Reason, Peace, and Justice
Irene and Doug Schmeiser and STM College

Irene Ositis-Schmeiser and late husband Doug share history and support for the College that go back many decades. Ositis-Schmeiser served 6 years on STM’s Corporation, while Schmeiser was named as a Distinguished Alumnus in 2009 recognizing his lifetime of achievement since graduating from the College.
Schmeiser served as Dean at USask College of Law and worked extensively nationally and internationally in the areas of constitutional law, legal reform, human rights, and judicial education. The Doug and Irene Schmeiser Scholarship established in 2000 annually supports STM students majoring in Philosophy.
As regular attendees at STM academic lectures, and members of the College worshipping community, “we experienced a sense of community and a wonderful extended family,” says Ositis-Schmeiser.
Ositis-Schmeiser’s gift plans for the College in 2019 were solidified when presented with an update of the Centre development. “The focus and goals of STM’s Centre for Faith, Reason, Peace, and Justice, along with its dedication to fostering excellence in teaching, research, and community outreach, reflected our values along with our career and volunteer pursuits, and that which strengthened our relationship with the College community over three decades,” said Ositis-Schmeiser of her decision to extend support to the initiative.
Ositis-Schmeiser $1 Million Gift brings STM Centre fully to life
See the Dec. 16, 2021 Funding Announcement HERE
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