STM Mass Times
The STM College building is now open to the public - Sunday mass in the STM chapel is at 5:00 pm.
Our schedule will be Sunday masses at 5:00 pm, and weekday masses Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 11:30 am, Divine Liturgy Wednesday at 11:30 am, and Rosary in the Chapel Friday at 11:30 am. We will also have Centering prayer each Tuesday at 2:30 pm in the Prayer room.
Get to know STM Priest Chaplain Fr. Dan Yasinski!
STM College is happy to have Fr. Dan Yasinkski join the community as our Priest Chaplain!
Find out about the path Fr. Dan took to the priesthood. It's a journey that started in his home community of St. Walburg, and included studies right here at the University of Saskatchewan.
Fr. Dan celebrates Mass in the STM Chapel on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 am, and on Sundays at 5 pm. Please stop in to pray and to say Hi!
Welcome Fr. Dan!

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Jesus provides us with a way of being reconciled to God and to those we've hurt, and to be strengthened in our connection to God's entire family. Opportunities for individual (one-on-one) celebration of the sacrament are available at the College:
by appointment with Fr. André Lalach at 306-280-2941 or or with Fr. Dan Yasinski at
STM at Prayer
Centering Prayer: In centering prayer, we pray for 20 minutes in silence. In this busy world with media constantly bombarding us, this is a wonderful opportunity to take some quiet time with God.
Rosary: The rosary is a devotion in honor of Mary, the Mother of God. It consists of a set number of specific prayers, like the Hail Mary, the Lord's Prayer and the Glory Be. If you've never tried it, come on out, no previous experience necessary! Rosaries and prayer booklets are also provided.
Eucharistic Adoration: Come spend some quiet time with our Lord in front of the Blessed Sacrament in the STM Chapel.
Livestream of Mass
A central website has been established for those who wish to access live-streaming of Masses and other online resources created by priests in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon. It can be found at
A number of Masses are streamed and archived on the website daily, including a live broadcast at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning with Bishop Mark Hagemoen celebrating Eucharist at the diocesan cathedral.