In 2024/2025 STM offered over $300,000 in student scholarships and bursaries!
Awards: General term used to refer to scholarships and/or bursaries.
Scholarships: Awards granted fully or partially based on academic achievement.
Applications OPEN MAY 1 and CLOSE AUG 8.
Bursaries: Awards granted fully or partially based on financial need.
Applications OPEN AUG 11 and CLOSE OCT 1.
If you have any questions or technical difficulties, please email:
Notes for Students Applying
- In any given year, the amount and awarding of each St. Thomas More College scholarship and bursary is contingent upon the availability of funds.
- Entering students who have received one of the University of Saskatchewan Best & Brightest renewable Entrance Scholarships (Presidents First and Best Scholarships, Chancellors’ Scholarships, or U of S Entrance Scholarships) are not eligible for an entrance scholarship from St. Thomas More College, they can however apply for the first award in the Entering Student Awards Application, the St. Thomas More College Student Book Award.
- A student may receive both scholarships and bursaries from St. Thomas More College.
- A student may receive only one scholarship unless no other student is eligible for a specific scholarship.
- If you submit more than one application, the one submitted closest to the application deadline shall be used.
- Only scholarship and bursary recipients will be notified via their official USask email.
- Financial need will be assessed by filling out the Financial Need Calculator for STM Students: (CLICK "Apply for Awards", Then CLICK on the drop down "STM Financial Need Calculator")
- Not sure if you are a declared St. Thomas More College student? How to Declare (St. Thomas More College student declaration is only available to Arts and Science undergraduate students.)
- To receive a scholarship the student must attend the Scholarship and Awards Ceremony:
Septmeber 28, 2025(tentative). - To receive a bursary the student must attend the Bursary Event:
November 20, 2025(tentative).
Entering Student Awards
Scholarship Applications OPEN MAY 1 and CLOSE AUG 8. Bursary Applications OPEN AUG 11 and CLOSE OCT 1.
General Eligibility
To be eligible for St. Thomas More College Entering Student Scholarships a student must:
- be an entering student,
- be a declared St. Thomas More College student,
- be registered for 6 credit units of coursework through St. Thomas More College during the fall and winter terms (September to April), and
- be a full-time student.
To be eligible for St. Thomas More College Entering Student Bursaries, in addition to the above, a student must:
- demonstrate financial need.
Continuing Student Awards
Scholarship Applications OPEN MAY 1 and CLOSE AUG 8. Bursary Applications OPEN AUG 11 and CLOSE OCT 1.
General Eligibility
To be eligible for St. Thomas More College Continuing Student Scholarships a student must:
- be a continuing student,
- be a declared St. Thomas More College student, and
- be a full-time student.
- Preference is given to students currently enrolled in St. Thomas More College courses, students who have previously completed St. Thomas More College courses, and/or students engaged in the life of St. Thomas More College.
To be eligible for St. Thomas More College Continuing Student Bursaries, in addition to the above, a student must:
- demonstrate financial need.
Bursary for Single Parents - Separate Application
Applications open in June and are due September 1st.
The Anthony and Anita (nee Dobson) Riffel Bursary Award
VALUE $5000
ELIGIBILITY Student must be:
- be a continuing student,
- be a declared St. Thomas More College student,
- be a full-time student,
- be a single parent, and
- be in financial need as determined by the College’s Scholarship and Awards Committee.
NOTE The annual award is to be $5,000.00. The amount is to be given to the student in two installments, one normally in September and the other normally in January. Each installment is to have two parts: a $1,500.00 credit toward tuition and fees, and a cheque for $1,000.00 payable to the student, with no stipulations as to its use. To be eligible for the second installment, the student must continue to be an STM student in good standing.
DONOR Anthony and Anita Riffel
Indigenous Student Awards
These awards are designed to support Indigenous students. Verification of Indigenous citizenship/membership is required.
Students apply for these awards using the Entering Student Awards Application or the Continuing Student Awards Application, as appropriate.
USask deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapwewin, Indigenous Truth Policy on Indigenous citizenship/membership:
Get verified here:
Transfer or Returning Student Awards
Scholarship Applications OPEN MAY 1 and CLOSE AUG 8. Bursary Applications OPEN AUG 11 and CLOSE OCT 1.
General Eligibility
To be eligible for St. Thomas More College Transfer or Returning Student Scholarships a student must:
- be a declared St. Thomas More College student,
- be a full-time student, and
- be a transfer or returning.
To be eligible for St. Thomas More College Transfer or Returning Student Bursaries, in addition to the above, a student must:
- demonstrate financial need.
Graduating Student Awards
The following awards do not require an application. Receipients are selected by the College.
Service & Justice Scholarships
The Les and Irene Dubé Service & Justice Scholarship, valued at $2000, will be awarded to one student from each Saskatchewan Catholic High School. It is designed to recognize a student’s demonstrated passion for social justice. The recipient, who is successful academically and shows sensitivity to the marginalized, will participate in the Service & Justice Project at St. Thomas More College next academic year.
Nominations are determined at the discretion of each school but are preferably made by a school committee made up of a Grade 12 Catholic Studies teacher, school chaplain, guidance counsellor, and school principal (or designate). Schools are encouraged to nominate 3 candidates. Ranked in order of preference.
To be nominated a student must:
- be a graduating grade 12 student and eligible for admission to the University of Saskatchewan in the College of Arts & Science and St. Thomas More College,
- show strong academic promise* based on their Grade 12 courses, and
- have demonstrated, in the opinion of the selection committee, leadership in community service and/or actions for social justice during their high school years.
*Normally, we view strong academic promise to be evidenced by averages of 85% or above calculated from the following classes: Catholics Studies 20 or 30, English A30 or B30, and three 30 level electives (PE30 and PA30 not accepted). If, however, you have a student with a below 85% average who you consider having the academic potential to do well at university we ask that you not exclude that person from your consideration.
- be an entering student,
- be a declared St. Thomas More College student,
- be registered for 6 credit units of coursework through St. Thomas More College during the fall and winter terms (September to April),
- be a full-time student,
- meet with an academic advisor at St. Thomas More College before registering to ensure the academic requirements have been fulfilled, and
- participate in the Service & Justice Project, which is coordinated by the Engaged Learning Office.
Glossary of Terms
- General term used to refer to scholarships and/or bursaries.
- Awards granted fully or partially based on academic achievement.
- Awards granted fully or partially based on financial need.
Entering Student:
- A student proceeding directly from high school to the University of Saskatchewan, or
- A student who has been out of high school for one or more years and has less than 18 credit units transferable to a program of study at the University of Saskatchewan.
Continuing Student:
- A full-time student (see definition below) at the University of Saskatchewan during the previous fall and winter terms (September to April).
Declared St. Thomas More College Student:
- Any USask Arts and Science undergraduate student who declares via their admission application, PAWS Channel, or St. Thomas More College Academic advisor. How to Declare
Coursework through St. Thomas More:
- Courses with the St. Thomas More College attribute indicated in the far righthand column in the search for classes in PAWS Registration. Find STM Classes in PAWS
Full-time Student:
- A student who is registered in 18 or more credit units during the fall and winter terms (September to April) at the University of Saskatchewan; or
- a student registered with Access and Equity Services and approved to study on a reduced course load, normally 12 or more credit units, during the fall and winter terms (September to April) at the University of Saskatchewan.
Financial Need:
For our Bursaries STM uses the USask Financial Needs Calculator.
To find it follow this link:
- Select "2024-2025" under Award Year.
- Select “Fall and Winter Terms" under Award Category
- Select "2024-2025 STM Financial Need Calculator" under Application.
- Follow the Steps outlined.
- A full-time student (see definition) who has completed 18 transferable credit units or more at another post-secondary institution and has been admitted* to the University of Saskatchewan.
*A student is only considered a transfer student for the first year they are admitted.
Returning Student:
- A full-time student (see definition) who has completed 18 credit units or more at the University of Saskatchewan, who has not taken any classes during the previous fall and winter terms.
Indigenous Student:
- A student with verified Indigenous membership/citizenship.
- USask deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapwewin, Indigenous Truth Policy on Indigenous citizenship/membership:
International Student:
- A student accessed tuition at international student rates.
Emergency Financial Assistance
Occasionally students face unexpected acute financial emergencies that threaten their ability to continue with their studies.
Please contact Richard Medernach at to discuss your situation if you are a declared St. Thomas More College student facing a financial emergency.
These emergency bursaries funds not designed to cover general financial need. Please see our regular student awards programs for that.