Serving the STM alumni community

A message from your STMNAA Committee
The STMNA has been undergoing a restructuring in the last several years, due to two significant factors.
The first was the pandemic, which forced us to move to online meetings, which then increased access to and participation by younger and working alumni. The pandemic also allowed us to step back from our regular activities and gave us the time and perspective to reimagine what a more vibrant Alumni Association could look like.
The second was the decision to separate the Distinguished Alumni Awards from the annual Corporation meeting.
These two factors have been the impetus behind all of our activities in the last year.
The first step to expanding and enlivening our Alumni Association must be to reconnect with our less involved alumni. In order to do that, we have been reaching out through More News, social media, emails to alumni that are already part of our association, and word of mouth to try to bring more people back into relationship with STM.
The STMNA has been working to expand our recognition of alumni who have done great things in and with their lives.
The first step was to establish a Distinguished Alumni Adjudication Committee. This committee examined the criteria for the Distinguished Alumni awards and simplified the process of submitting alumni for consideration. It will provide recommendations to the President of the College for the annual Distinguished Alumni awards and establish additional ways of honouring alumni both formally and informally.
Separating the presentation of the awards from the annual Corporation meeting necessitated the development of a special event to honour these alumni, as well as to reconnect with the alumni community.
This led to the development of an Event Planning Committee, which organized and hosted the Inaugural STM Fall Gathering on Oct. 1, 2022. It began with a celebration of faith in the STM chapel in the afternoon. This was followed by a self-guided Art and Architecture tour of the College and culminated with a reception in the Shannon Library and the Alumni of Distinction Awards. Presentations were made for 2020, 2021 and 2022 since the College community was finally able to gather again after the interruption of the pandemic.
We hope that this showcase annual event will become a cherished tradition, celebrating the College’s alumni, donors and friends. We hope it will lead to other types of events that can help to create closer bonds between STM and the alumni and be a foundation to future events for College milestones such as the Newman centennial in 2026.
Corinne Baumann
STM Newman Alumni Association
The St. Thomas More-Newman Alumni Association (STMNAA) is committed to building a strong social, intellectual, and spiritual community of STM and Newman Alumni by encouraging their lifelong involvement with the College and with each other.
- To nurture relationships with current and future alumni and engage them in the life of the College
- To promote and enhance effective communications between the College and its alumni
- To coordinate and promote programs and events that instill good will and pride, and provide opportunities for professional growth and social interaction
- To encourage financial support of the College and the students who attend STM
STM Newman Alumni Association Committee:
Corinne Baumann
Madeleine Blais-Dahlem
Rae-Ann Dyck
Mary Donlevy-Konkin
Sylvia Regnier
Dean Schmidt
You are invited join the STMNAA committee today!
The STMNAA committee welcomes other alumni to join this active group of volunteers who work to support and develop creative initiatives that benefit alumni and the College.
This dedicated group of alumni is committed to building a strong social, intellectual, and spiritual community of STM and Newman Alumni by encouraging their lifelong involvement with the College and with each other.
Join today and reconnect with fellow alumni, make new friends and help make a real difference in the lives of STM alumni and students.
For more information on how you can become involved with YOUR alma mater, contact:
Congratulations to our latest STM College graduates
We would like to celebrate the STM College Class of 2024! Welcome to the fold of alumni of the College. We are more than 10,000 strong!
We hope you will stay in touch with us and keep an eye out for chances to participate in our future events.
We love seeing our alumni friends at STM events throughout the year. Whether it's being a part of the weekly faith community attending mass at the STM Chapel, annual academic lectures, Newman Centre events, Newman Players or Newman Sounds, there are many events to help you stay connected to the STM community!