Explore Your Options

Know Yourself

University is a time of self-discovery. Reflecting on your interests, beliefs, and values will inform you about what type of work will be fulfilling.

  • Try these quizzes to help you discover your professional interests. For more career assessments, click here.
  • Get the most out of your degree and prepare for your future career through USask's Major Maps.
  • Self reflection & vocation resources [TBD]
  • Book with STM advisors to discuss your academic and career plans.

Explore Occupations

Career Planning Resourses

  • Craft a resume and cover letter that highlights your unique strengths and experiences.
  • Networking is a great way to hear about opportunities and access the hidden job market. Yes, it's intimidating, but these tips should help.
  • Build your network by connecting with USask’s LinkedIn


Skill Building & Experience

Extra and Co-Curricular Options

Visit the STM Engaged Learning page to discover community engagement opportunities where you will deepen your understanding of social justice issues.  
Check out other ways to get involved on campus.

Make friends, grow your network, and build skills by joining a STM student club. Talk to your staff mentor about adding your involvement to your co-curricular record.

Skill Training

  • FUSION is a skill development curriculum that strengthens critical skills needed to adapt and succeed in the world of work and will add to your co-curricular record.
  • Level UP is an innovative work-integrated learning program powered by Riipen and sponsored by the Government of Canada to prepare students in post-secondary education and employers to thrive in the future of work.
    • Attend a self-exploration, self-preparation, or self-marketing workshop through the newly designed Career Readiness Series.
    • RBC UpSkill (LinkedIn Learning)
    • Build your financial literacy for a lifetime of responsible decision making with a free online course and toolkit.

Articulating Skills

You’ve been building skills all through your time at university. Articulating skills and experiences to future employers is an often overlooked and important skill. Use these skill cards to reflect on your strengths and brainstorm ways to grow your skillset. 
Or, have a discussion with a Career Coach or an STM advisor


Career Events

Career Options for English Majors - March 5

