Upcoming Events

Annual Fall Gathering of Alumni & Friends 2025

Save-the-Date of Saturday, October 4, 2025 and plan to attend STM's annual celebration of alumni, including the presentation of the 2025 Distinguished Alumni Awards and the presentation of the STM Medal.

Please check back for more information and if you are not already receiving the monthly EvenMORE alumni newsletter, please sign up below:



Past Events

Dr. Mary Heilman, Bioethicist for St. Paul’s Hospital and the Catholic Health Association of Saskatchewan, spoke to A Clinical Ethics Perspective on Health, Law & Ethics

2024 Red Mass

Each fall St. Thomas More College (STM) collaborates with members of the St. Thomas More Lawyers’ Guild, and the wider legal community, to celebrate Red Mass.

The St. Thomas More Lawyers’ Guild of Saskatoon was incorporated in June 2002 by a group of local Catholic lawyers that seek to highlight integrity and the highest ethical standards in the practice of law, as well as the administration of justice, as exemplified by its namesake St. Thomas More. The Guild gathers to celebrate the Red Mass, as was introduced in England in 1310, during the reign of Edward I. It is celebrated now, as it was then, to invoke the inspiration of the Holy Spirit on behalf of those involved in the administration of justice.

November 14, 2024, marked the 22nd anniversary of this important event. The Divine Liturgy was celebrated in STM’s chapel by Most Reverend Mark Hagemoen, bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon along with Most Reverend Michael Smolinski, bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon.

Following Mass, a banquet and program was held in the College. Christopher Donald K.C. served as the master of ceremonies. The guest speaker, Dr. Mary Heilman, Bioethicist for St. Paul’s Hospital and the Catholic Health Association of Saskatchewan, spoke to A Clinical Ethics Perspective on Health, Law & Ethics, a timely and thought-provoking topic.

Attendees included numerous members of the legal community, including the Honorable Mr. Justice Duane Koch and the Honorable Mr. Justice Neil Turcotte, Court of King’s Bench, and STM President Dr. Carl Still, liturgical ministers, STM faculty, staff, and alumni. Also, each year members of the Lawyers’ Guild generously purchase tickets for students who are either currently enrolled in the College of Law or STM students considering it in their future.

STM Director of Advancement Connie Andersen shared a newly released video presentation featuring STM students who reflected on how the community and support provided them through STM impacted their lives and overall college experience. Their endorsement and sentiments supporting Andersen’s commitment to securing financial support for students to enable a post-secondary experience through STM.



Veronica Lucas, of the St. Thomas More Newman Alumni Assocation, stands with 2024 honourees Dr. Robert Audette, Ashley Smith, K.C., and Dr. Carl Still, President of the STM College

STM Annual Fall Gathering of Alumni & Friends 2024

The halls of St. Thomas More College (STM) were once again filled with the best kinds of sounds on Saturday, Oct. 5 – animated conversation and joyful laughter.

It was the third annual edition of the St. Thomas College Annual Fall Gathering of Alumni and Friends. The evening is dedicated to welcoming back alumni and supporters and celebrating the newest additions to the list of Distinguished Alumni as well as celebrating the STM Medal recipient.

Ashley Smith, K.C., was named Distinguished Alumna and Dr. Robert Audette was honored as the Distinguished Alumnus, while Dan Perrins was feted for a lifetime of public service with the STM Medal.

The evening began with a celebration of faith in the STM Chapel, with Fr. Ron Griffin officiating. Guests were invited to tour the College and take in the current exhibit in the STM Gallery before gathering in the cafeteria for a delicious dinner and the official awards program.

As President Carl Still noted, STM is proud to celebrate “how our graduates have been going out into the world and providing leadership informed by faith, reason and justice, while also generously serving others, in their own professions and according to their God-given gifts.”

The 2025 St. Thomas More College Annual Fall Gathering of Alumni and Friends will take place on Saturday, Oct. 4, 2025.

Enjoy a slideshow of photos from this year's event:

Read about our 2024 honourees, as well as all our past award recipients:


Sponsored by DCG Philanthropic


The 2023 Annual Fall Gathering drew a huge crowd to celebrate their connection to STM College

2023 Annual Fall Gathering includes presentation of STM Medal

The evening of October 14, marked a wonderful opportunity to celebrate faith, connect with St. Thomas More College (STM) alumni, friends, family, and colleagues, enjoy food, and drink, and recognize special members of our community – all the perfect components for the STM Annual Fall Gathering.

STM Campus ministers led a Celebration of Faith in STM’s chapel which included song, reflection on readings, and STM’s Indigenous Scholar, Harry Lafond leading prayer in the traditional Four Directions.

New this year, attendees were greeted by a beautiful hallway exhibition in the STM Gallery, featuring art by 2023 Distinguished Alumna, Sylvia Regnier, and Ann Donald, the exhibit curator, and College supporter in past annual STM High School art collaborations.

The reception and more formal part of the gathering took place in STM’s Shannon Library. President Carl Still spoke to the guests as to the purpose of a Catholic liberal arts college and the evening honorees – “four outstanding graduates of St. Thomas More College - whose time at the College spanned over 50 years. Their stories attest to how our graduates – stretching from the 1950’s to the 2010’s – have been going out into the world and exploring faith, reason, and justice, while also generously serving others, in their own professions and according to their individual gifts,” said President Still.

It was explained that the STM Distinguished Alumni Awards were designed to specifically honor graduates who have taken the mission of the College into the world; made important contributions to their communities; applied their gifts to serve the good of humanity; and celebrated their ongoing relationship with the College.

The 2023 Distinguished Alumni honorees celebrated included Robert and Sylvia Regnier, and Desirée Hutton (née Steele) posthumously.

Robert and Sylvia Regnier, who met at the College as students, were recognized for their engaged support and devotion to the STM community, the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, and beyond.

Sylvia remained involved in STM alumni activities as a member of Corporation, as well as serving as president of the St. Thomas More Newman Alumni Association for several years. Robert served as Newman Centre President.

Nominator and friend, Madeleine Blais-Dahlem spoke to the couple’s “shared values including the arts, environmentalism, social justice, education, Indigenous issues, and disability issues.” Their commitment to quality education was reflected in their career paths. “Bob became a teacher of teachers, as head of the Educational Foundations Department in the College of Education, while Sylvia became a teacher of children. Both exemplify what is known as Gentle Teaching,” said Blais-Dahlem. “Teaching in a manner committed to increasing the fullness and richness of the experience of life. It is based on a commitment of unconditional love for the most disenfranchised.”

STM Campus Minister Michael MacLean presented the posthumous tribute for Desirée Hutton, 2023 Distinguished Alumna, sharing how “she was an inspiration to others, and made St. Thomas More College proud to have played a role in the life of such an amazing person.” Accepting on her behalf were her parents David and Dorene Steele.

As a student at St. Thomas More College, Desirée Hutton served on the STM Student Union, ultimately as President, and was elected Academic Vice-President of the USask Students’ Union.  “Desirée also represented STM at the Canadian Catholic Students Association conference. The light of Desirée’s faith always shone brightly to inspire students, staff, and faculty alike,” added MacLean.  

Hutton earned her B.A. with High Honors in Political Studies with a Minor in Social Justice and the Common Good before entering the USask College of Law, where she earned a J.D. with Distinction.  After articling as a clerk with the Regina Court of Queen’s Bench she worked as a Crown Prosecutor in Regina. Desirée remained connected to the College and became a member-at-large for STM Corporation.

As she battled ovarian cancer, Hutton established a legacy fund in the hopes that it would lead to a better life for others. The Desirée Hutton (née Steele) Legacy Fund will continue the work close to her heart by helping to remove barriers for marginalized students, supporting community service-oriented learners
and students in the first generation of their family to seek post-secondary education.

Completing the evening awards, President Still introduced the St. Thomas More Medal criteria set in 1993, “to honor individuals, groups, or organizations that embody in our time the outstanding characteristics of the College namesake, Thomas More – distinguished public service, elevated by personal virtues, including care, integrity, and faith.”

Joseph J. Dierker, K.C. was honored at the Fall Gathering as the 2023 STM Medal recipient.

A member of STM’s graduating class of 1957, Dierker additionally obtained his Juris Doctor at the University of Saskatchewan, was admitted to the Saskatchewan Bar, designated as Queen’s Counsel (Q.C.), and was recognized nationally (among many accolades) for his tireless work in the development and implementation of Canadian tax laws for credit unions and co-operatives.

President Still also celebrated Dierker’s service and care for the College, his community, and his family, adding, “Joe’s active participation in his faith community, and dedication in supporting access to education and communities in need with financial commitment and volunteerism reflect valued priorities put in action.”

“With a College history spanning nearly 70 years, engaged alumnus Joe Dierker’s commitment, his many professional achievements and community contributions, clearly personify the traits of Service, Care, Integrity and Faith - intended for this Medal honor,” Still said.



The inaugural STM Fall Gathering gave friends a chance to reconvene for another visit in the Shannon Libary

STM hosts first Annual Fall Gathering

St. Thomas More College began a new tradition this fall with the inaugural STM Fall Gathering on Oct. 1, 2022.

The showcase annual event will celebrate the College’s alumni, donors and friends and will also feature the presentation of the STM Alumni of Distinction Awards.

This year’s Fall Gathering began with a Celebration of Faith in the STM Chapel in the afternoon, and included an honour song performed by Qwaydin Spotted Blue Jay Linklater, from Sturgeon Lake First Nation.

The day also included a self-guided Art & Architecture tour, which allowed returning alumni wander the halls of the College to see the many changes that have occurred over the year as the needs of its students have changed, as well as to appreciate the many significant pieces of artwork that grace the rooms and hallways.

The Alumni of Distinction awards took place in the Shannon Library, with presentations made for 2020, 2021 and 2022 in a year when the College community was finally able to gather again after the interruption of the pandemic.

Dr. Tammy Marche, Dean of STM, said the stories of the distinguished alumni being honoured shows that the College’s graduates are indeed going out into the world and exploring faith, reason and justice, while also unselfishly serving others.

“The contributions each of these six award recipients has made to their communities does honour to the College, and we are grateful for the opportunity to show our appreciation to them at this event,” said Dr. Marche. “The College has seen many changes over the years, but our mission and values have not changed and are very much alive today, as they always have been – in our students, faculty, staff, and our alumni.”

Each award recipient was introduced by Veronica Lucas, recent graduate and a member of the STM Newman Alumni Association.

Honoured from 2020 were Mary Donlevy-Konkin and Richard Lucas. From 2021 were alumni Rita Gillies and Fr. Emile April, who sent his regrets. The 2022 Distinguished Alumni being honoured were Louise Tessier and Dr. Thomas Deutscher, who was nominated posthumously. Accepting on his behald was his wife, Marci Deutscher.

“What a gift it is to once again be able to enjoy in-person events, where we can laugh together, pray together, and embrace our shared connection to the STM community,” said Kari Sinkewicz, Manager of Development and Alumni Relations. “We enjoyed outstanding attendance at the inaugural STM Annual Fall Gathering, with several guests travelling from out of province to join us. We are looking forward to an even larger contingent next year, of alumni, donors and friends of the College to celebrate the announcement of the new Distinguished Alumni.”

Please enjoy the 2022 Fall Gathering slideshow


STM Alumna Desirée Steele and Director of Development Karen Massett in front of a replica of the STM College White House from 1936

2019 Christmas Reception
Thursday, December 5, 2019

More than 60 alumni, staff, faculty and friends of the college gathered in the Shannon Library for a Christmas Reception hosted by the Development Office. The best part of the holiday season might be the chance we enjoy to reconnect with friends and loved ones.

That joyful feeling was in the air on Dec. 5, when the STM Development office hosted a Christmas Reception in the Shannon Library for friends of the college. On hand were many loyal alumni, donors and community friends, as well as staff, faculty and students. Everyone enjoyed the delicious fare prepared by Chef Chris Daniels Jones and the Choices staff, and the enchanting music provided by harpist Chris Lindgren. Thanks to all the friends of STM who came out to share their friendship .Please enjoy the slideshow (1:00 min.) from the evening:



2019 Red Mass
Thursday, November 28, 2019

A celebration to invoke the inpsiration of the Holy Spirit on those of all faiths involved in the administration of justice in our community. This event is hosted by the St. Thomas More Lawyers' Guild of Saskatoon with the support of the STM College Development Office.

GUEST SPEAKER: The Hon. Chief Justice Robert G. Richards, Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan
SPECIAL GUEST: Most Reverend Mark Hagemoen, Roman Catholic Bishop of Saskatoon

The Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the STM Chapel at 5:30 pm. Following Mass, a banquet and program was held in STM’s cafeteria beginning at 6:30 p.m.

The Red Mass was introduced in England in 1310, during the reign of Edward I. It is celebrated now, as it was then, to invoke the inspiration of the Holy Spirit on behalf of those involved in the administration of justice.   

Each fall STM collaborates with members of the St. Thomas More Lawyers’ Guild, and the wider legal community, to celebrate Red Mass. The St. Thomas More Lawyers’ Guild of Saskatoon was incorporated in June 2002 by a group of local Catholic lawyers. The Guild seeks to foreground integrity and the highest ethical standards in the practice of law, as well as the administration of justice, as exemplified by its namesake St. Thomas More. 

Each year members of the Lawyers’ Guild generously purchase tickets for students who are currently enrolled in the College of Law or considering enrollment. Students greatly appreciate this kind gesture. They enjoy the presentation and the opportunity to network with the legal community.


Red Mass save the date 2019

2018 President's Gala
June 8, 2018

The St. Thomas More College (STM) President’s Gala was held June 8, 2018 in the Adam Ballroom of the Delta Bessborough Hotel. The evening included a Champagne reception on the outdoor terrace, four course gourmet dinner and a special performance by world renowned artist Anna Maria Kaufmann, Tenor Jorge Jimenez, Rene Giesen, and several other musicians.  The Gala proceeds will support STM student scholarships and bursaries.

Special guest, Anna Maria Kaufmann is a world-renowned artist, whose accomplished career includes lead roles in some of the most celebrated musicals of our time and noted success with a triple platinum album. Anna Maria is a celebrated artist in Europe for her beautiful and captivating voice, merging classical and pop music.

President Terrence Downey began his first term as President of St. Thomas More College in 2011. Under Dr. Downey’s progressive leadership STM has experienced continued growth and transformation. In July of 2018, Dr. Downey retired.


2018 Red Mass
Nov. 19, 2018

GUEST SPEAKER:Dr. Peter Stoicheff President, University of Saskatchewan
SPECIAL GUESTS: Bishop Mark Hagemoen, Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, Bishop Bryan Bayda, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon