Fall 2020 Convocation

List of Graduates

Last Name First Name Degree Major
Abedi Shireen Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Altamirano Castaneda Gustavo Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Political Studies
Atiq Omer Bachelor of Science Honours Geology
Birkland Aaron Bachelor of Arts Honours History
Bjerkness Jessica Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Bolwe Monique Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Sociology
Boyes Curtis Bachelor of Science Honours Geology
Brauer Mark Bachelor of Arts Honours Philosophy
Chan Alayna Bach of Arts Science Honours Environment and Society
Chen Ying Ju Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Clothier Leah Bachelor of Science Four-Year Biology
Cochrane Morgan Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Business Economics
Conlon Fiona Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Psychology
Crawford Chase Bachelor of Science Three-Year Computer Science
Davis Madisyn Bachelor of Arts Honours Sociology
Davis Madisyn Cert in Criminol and Addiction Criminology and Addictions
Etcheverry Michael Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Fadare Dorcas Bachelor of Arts Honours Economics
Farooq Tayyaba Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Fick Brandon Bachelor of Arts Honours English
Fillinger Julia Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Studio Art
Gervais Andrea Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Psychology
Goh Gabriel Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Grainger Emma Bachelor of Science Four-Year Anatomy and Cell Biology
Hooper Kirsten Bachelor of Science Three-Year Biochemistry
Hudson Kim Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Linguistics
Hussein Ekran Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Sociology
Istifo Natasha Bach of Arts Science Four-Year Health Studies
Kyle Taylor Cert in Criminol and Addiction Criminology and Addictions
Kyle Taylor Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Liuzzi Giuseppe Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Psychology
Luneng Katherine Certificate in Global Studies Global Studies
Luneng Katherine Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Linguistics
Martin Michelle Bachelor of Arts Honours Sociology
Olson Jade Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Psychology
Potts Evan Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Psychology
Rivera Monica Bach of Arts Science Four-Year Health Studies
Stepple George Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Anthropology
Stotz Meredith Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Straub Travis Cert in Ethics Justice Law Ethics Justice and Law
Straub Travis Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Political Studies
Tasneem Zarrin Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Weiman Quinnton Bachelor of Arts Four-Year



Spring 2020 Convocation

List of Graduates

Last Name First Name Degree Description Major Description
Abdullah Siham Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Afe Adesola Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Sociology
Alam Afia Certificate in Computing Computing
Alam Afia Bachelor of Arts Honours Economics
Alegria Jessica Bachelor of Arts Honours Regional and Urban Planning
Arsenault Matthew Bachelor of Arts Three-Year English
Auser Cameron Bachelor of Science Four-Year Computer Science
Badger Jade Cert in Indigenous Gvn Politic Indigenous Governance Politics
Badiana Gieven Mae Bachelor of Arts Four-Year French
Baes Alanna Caitlin Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Ball Jaden Bachelor of Science Four-Year Computer Science
Bannerman Ruth Bachelor of Arts Honours Sociology
Beaulieu Celine Bachelor of Arts Honours Sociology
Benesh Joel Bachelor of Science Honours Mathematics
Benguzzi Malik Bachelor of Science Four-Year Psychology
Berube Annie Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours Studio Art
Beshara Marina Bachelor of Science Honours Physiology and Pharmacology
Bifom Owen Bachelor of Arts Honours Economics
Bjerkness Jessica Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Sociology
Block Anna Bachelor of Science Honours Psychology
Brand Joshua Bachelor of Arts Honours Philosophy
Burns Mackenzie Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Sociology
Busch Sarah Bachelor of Science Three-Year Biology
Butler Shannon Bachelor of Music Honours Music Education
Cai Shuang Bachelor of Science Honours Physiology and Pharmacology
Cardenas Jonna Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Sociology
Caron Jordyn Bach of Arts Science Four-Year Health Studies
Carter Quinlan Bachelor of Science Honours Microbiology and Immunology
Castro Renell Bachelor of Science Four-Year Computer Science
Charyna Sophia Bachelor of Arts Honours English
Chatlain Sophie Bachelor of Arts Three-Year French
Clark Alexander Bachelor of Science Honours Anatomy and Cell Biology
Clarkson Mikaela Bachelor of Science Four-Year Anatomy and Cell Biology
Clifford Breanna Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Sociology
Collins Janinne Bachelor of Arts Honours Psychology
Cook Alyson Bachelor of Arts Honours English
Crooks Vera Bachelor of Science Four-Year Microbiology and Immunology
Crooks Vera Bachelor of Science Four-Year Anatomy and Cell Biology
Cuggy Domenic Bachelor of Arts Three-Year History
Daniels Kristen Bachelor of Science Four-Year Environmental Biology
De Los Reyes Glenn Raphael Bachelor of Science Honours Anatomy and Cell Biology
Duong Lina Bachelor of Science Four-Year Physiology and Pharmacology
Durand Noel Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Sociology
Dyer Marielle Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Psychology
Eastley Sean Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Linguistics
Egan-Pimblett Jonah Bachelor of Arts Three-Year History
Ezeaka Adaeze Bachelor of Science Four-Year Physiology and Pharmacology
Fiddler Dallas Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Political Studies
Fotheringham Clare Bachelor of Arts Honours Psychology
Fotheringham Jack Bachelor of Arts Honours Political Studies
Fries Brooke Bachelor of Arts Three-Year English
Friske David Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Sociology
Gabruch Nicholas Bachelor of Science Four-Year Physiology and Pharmacology
Gordon Philip Bachelor of Arts Four-Year English
Gorsalitz Megan Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Linguistics
Greco Vincent Bachelor of Arts Three-Year English
Hall Nicole Bachelor of Arts Honours History
Hamel-Swityk Faith Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Hauser Anastasia Bachelor of Arts Honours English
Herdzik Melissa Bachelor of Science Honours Physiology and Pharmacology
Hetu Matthew Bachelor of Arts Honours English
Hoffmeyer Madison Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Political Studies
Holliday Triesta Bach of Arts Science Honours Health Studies
Horn Jasmine Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Psychology
Horvath Sarah Bachelor of Arts Four-Year International Studies
Jansen Camille Bachelor of Science Four-Year Computer Science
Jansen Camille Bachelor of Science Four-Year Psychology
Johnson Matthew Bach of Arts Science Four-Year Health Studies
Kawa Khariz Bachelor of Arts Honours Business Economics
Kendel Zoe Bachelor of Science Four-Year Environmental Biology
Khan Maha Bach of Arts Science Four-Year Health Studies
Kim Eunhyun Bachelor of Science Honours Physiology and Pharmacology
Kim Jung-Min Bachelor of Science Honours Physiology and Pharmacology
Kirstein Tiana Bachelor of Arts Honours Classical Medieval Renaissance
Klassen Colton Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Political Studies
Koetting Risa Bach of Arts Science Four-Year Health Studies
Kooy Natasha Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Religion and Culture
Kooy Natasha Certificate in Global Studies Global Studies
Kowdrysh Taylor Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Sociology
Krips Fraser Bachelor of Music Honours Music
Kuznitsoff Megan Bachelor of Arts Honours Sociology
Lalonde Jordana Bachelor of Arts Honours English
Landreth Lexie Bachelor of Science Honours Biochemistry
Laprise Fiona Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Psychology
Larlham Logan Bachelor of Science Four-Year Microbiology and Immunology
LaRose Samantha Cert in Indigenous Gvn Politic Indigenous Governance Politics
Lavier Miranda Bachelor of Science Honours Chemistry
Lemke Michael Bachelor of Science Honours Biochemistry
Lenferna de la Motte Olivia Bachelor of Arts Honours English
Lepp Bethany Bachelor of Arts Honours History
Li Muxue Bachelor of Science Honours Physiology and Pharmacology
Li Yukun Bachelor of Science Four-Year Computer Science
Li Ziying Bachelor of Arts Honours Psychology
Liu Lingxiu Bachelor of Science Honours Physiology and Pharmacology
Lowes Morgan Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Sociology
Luc Jelyssa Bach of Arts Science Honours Health Studies
Lytle Calista Bachelor of Science Honours Physiology and Pharmacology
Macabudbud Kyle Bachelor of Science Four-Year Physiology and Pharmacology
Magnaye La Carla Angelica Bachelor of Science Four-Year Anatomy and Cell Biology
Mantyka Drew Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours Drama
Matchee Monique Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Psychology
McCoshen Daniel Bachelor of Science Four-Year Computer Science
McCullough Alyssa Bachelor of Science Three-Year Physiology and Pharmacology
McKerlie Vanessa Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Sociology
Moellenbeck Emilie Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Religion and Culture
Moen Connor Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Political Studies
Muembo Alberta Certificate in Global Studies Global Studies
Muirhead Matthew Bachelor of Science Four-Year Geology
Munton Alyssa Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Nair Revathi Bachelor of Science Honours Physiology and Pharmacology
Nenson Stefan Bachelor of Science Four-Year Environmental Earth Sciences
Neufeld Cooper Bachelor of Arts Four-Year English
Neufeld Courtney Bachelor of Arts Honours Philosophy
Neufeldt Evan Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Studio Art
Nikbakht Coden Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Political Studies
Nobes Olivia Bachelor of Science Four-Year Biochemistry
Osterried Lia Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Sociology
Paskemin Glennis Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Sociology
Pasloski Nicole Bachelor of Arts Honours Sociology
Patel Nihalkumar Bachelor of Science Four-Year Physiology and Pharmacology
Paulsen Alanna Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Sociology
Pearce Thea Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Political Studies
Penna Angela Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Music
Pickett Emily Bachelor of Arts Honours Drama
Pittet Danica Bachelor of Science Four-Year Environmental Biology
Pizarro Karla Bachelor of Arts Honours Linguistics
Plishka Elizabeth Cert in Criminol and Addiction Criminology and Addictions
Prokopowich Morgan Bachelor of Arts Honours Regional and Urban Planning
Prytula Karissa Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Qureshi Muhammad Bachelor of Science Honours Psychology
Rasch Thomas Bachelor of Arts Three-Year English
Reaser Jacob Certificate in Jazz Jazz
Reaser Jacob Bachelor of Science Four-Year Physiology and Pharmacology
Reichert Matthew Bach of Arts Science Honours Environment and Society
Reyes Nicole Lianne Bachelor of Science Honours Physiology and Pharmacology
Reyes Herrera Kristy Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Linguistics
Richardson Elizabeth Bachelor of Science Four-Year Physiology and Pharmacology
Ripplinger Megan Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Sociology
Rogers Jillian Bach of Arts Science Honours Health Studies
Rukh Mah Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Sajjad Arsalan Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Political Studies
Samson Kirsten Bachelor of Arts Honours Political Studies
Samson Kirsten Certificate in Global Studies Global Studies
Sanche Emily Bachelor of Arts Honours Psychology
Sanchez Monique Justine Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Psychology
Sanduliak Amanda Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Sarfraz Mishal Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Sarjeant-Jenkins Tristan Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Modern Languages
Saworski Toni-Anne Bachelor of Science Four-Year Microbiology and Immunology
Schatz Morgan Bachelor of Science Four-Year Physiology and Pharmacology
Schell Krystal Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Schitka Caitlin Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Schmidt Joland Bachelor of Science Four-Year Psychology
Selinger Matthew Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Political Studies
Sierra Angel Tweetum Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Singh Prabhdeep Bachelor of Science Three-Year Mathematics
Smith Shae-Lynn Bachelor of Science Four-Year Biology
Sokolan Matthew Bachelor of Arts Honours Political Studies
Stainbrook Chloe Cert in Ethics Justice Law Ethics Justice and Law
Stang Jessica Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Sociology
Stang Jessica Cert in Ethics Justice Law Ethics Justice and Law
Taillon Matthieu Bachelor of Science Four-Year Physiology and Pharmacology
Tesfay Haile Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Economics
Thome Kiana Bachelor of Arts Honours Psychology
Thompson Alexa Bachelor of Arts Three-Year Psychology
Thompson Matthew Bachelor of Science Four-Year Computer Science
Topacio Zhealynn Bachelor of Science Four-Year Physiology and Pharmacology
Vadeboncoeur Abby Bachelor of Arts Honours History
Vadeboncoeur Abby Cert in Ethics Justice Law Ethics Justice and Law
Vereschagin Shawn Bachelor of Music Honours Music Education
Verma Sweety Bachelor of Science Three-Year Mathematics
Virdi Satpal Certificate in Global Studies Global Studies
Walcer Taylor Bachelor of Arts Four-Year English
Wassell Naomi Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Studio Art
Wedholm Emma Bachelor of Arts Honours Linguistics
Werezak Emma Bachelor of Science Honours Anatomy and Cell Biology
Wickenhauser Aidan Bachelor of Arts Honours Psychology
Wickenhauser Aidan Cert in Ethics Justice Law Ethics Justice and Law
Woloschuk Caitlin Cert in Ethics Justice Law Ethics Justice and Law
Wong Lauren Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Studio Art
Woo Olivia Bachelor of Science Honours Anatomy and Cell Biology
Yassin Hassan Bachelor of Science Honours Physiology and Pharmacology
Zales Kathlyn Joy Bachelor of Arts Four-Year Psychology
Zhou Xing Si Bachelor of Science Four-Year Anatomy and Cell Biology
Zhou Xingyu Bachelor of Arts Honours Business Economics
Zimmerman Taylor Bachelor of Arts Honours Philosophy
Zlipko Mykan Bachelor of Arts Honours Anthropology

Award Winners

Right Reverend Monsignor Myroslav Kolodey Memorial Academic Prize
STM graduate with highest cumulative weighted average.

  • Nancy (Shuang) Cai, B.Sc. Honours

Thomas Deis '38 Prize in Scholastic Philosophy in Honour of Dr. Basil Markle S.T.D.
STM philosophy graduate with highest cumulative weighted average.

  • Joshua Brand, B.A. Honours

Thomas Deis '38 WWII Memorial Prize
Awarded to a St. Thomas More College Student or Newman Centre member who has demonstrated an all-round excellence or leadership, and/or who has enriched notably the life of STM or Newman Centre.

  • Alyssa McCullough, B.Sc.
  • Andrea Pottle, B. Ed.

Father Henry Carr Award
Given out at Spring and Fall Convocation. Awarded to a student who has shown leadership in and/or contributed to the life of the St. Thomas More College.

  • Mykan Zlipko, B.A. Honours