Fall 2020 Convocation
List of Graduates
Last Name | First Name | Degree | Major |
Abedi | Shireen | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Altamirano Castaneda | Gustavo | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Political Studies |
Atiq | Omer | Bachelor of Science Honours | Geology |
Birkland | Aaron | Bachelor of Arts Honours | History |
Bjerkness | Jessica | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Bolwe | Monique | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Sociology |
Boyes | Curtis | Bachelor of Science Honours | Geology |
Brauer | Mark | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Philosophy |
Chan | Alayna | Bach of Arts Science Honours | Environment and Society |
Chen | Ying Ju | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Clothier | Leah | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Biology |
Cochrane | Morgan | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Business Economics |
Conlon | Fiona | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Psychology |
Crawford | Chase | Bachelor of Science Three-Year | Computer Science |
Davis | Madisyn | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Sociology |
Davis | Madisyn | Cert in Criminol and Addiction | Criminology and Addictions |
Etcheverry | Michael | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Fadare | Dorcas | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Economics |
Farooq | Tayyaba | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Fick | Brandon | Bachelor of Arts Honours | English |
Fillinger | Julia | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Studio Art |
Gervais | Andrea | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Psychology |
Goh | Gabriel | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Grainger | Emma | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Anatomy and Cell Biology |
Hooper | Kirsten | Bachelor of Science Three-Year | Biochemistry |
Hudson | Kim | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Linguistics |
Hussein | Ekran | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Sociology |
Istifo | Natasha | Bach of Arts Science Four-Year | Health Studies |
Kyle | Taylor | Cert in Criminol and Addiction | Criminology and Addictions |
Kyle | Taylor | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Liuzzi | Giuseppe | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Psychology |
Luneng | Katherine | Certificate in Global Studies | Global Studies |
Luneng | Katherine | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Linguistics |
Martin | Michelle | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Sociology |
Olson | Jade | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Psychology |
Potts | Evan | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Psychology |
Rivera | Monica | Bach of Arts Science Four-Year | Health Studies |
Stepple | George | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Anthropology |
Stotz | Meredith | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Straub | Travis | Cert in Ethics Justice Law | Ethics Justice and Law |
Straub | Travis | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Political Studies |
Tasneem | Zarrin | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Weiman | Quinnton | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year |
English |
Spring 2020 Convocation
List of Graduates
Last Name | First Name | Degree Description | Major Description |
Abdullah | Siham | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Afe | Adesola | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Sociology |
Alam | Afia | Certificate in Computing | Computing |
Alam | Afia | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Economics |
Alegria | Jessica | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Regional and Urban Planning |
Arsenault | Matthew | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | English |
Auser | Cameron | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Computer Science |
Badger | Jade | Cert in Indigenous Gvn Politic | Indigenous Governance Politics |
Badiana | Gieven Mae | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | French |
Baes | Alanna Caitlin | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Ball | Jaden | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Computer Science |
Bannerman | Ruth | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Sociology |
Beaulieu | Celine | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Sociology |
Benesh | Joel | Bachelor of Science Honours | Mathematics |
Benguzzi | Malik | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Psychology |
Berube | Annie | Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours | Studio Art |
Beshara | Marina | Bachelor of Science Honours | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Bifom | Owen | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Economics |
Bjerkness | Jessica | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Sociology |
Block | Anna | Bachelor of Science Honours | Psychology |
Brand | Joshua | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Philosophy |
Burns | Mackenzie | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Sociology |
Busch | Sarah | Bachelor of Science Three-Year | Biology |
Butler | Shannon | Bachelor of Music Honours | Music Education |
Cai | Shuang | Bachelor of Science Honours | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Cardenas | Jonna | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Sociology |
Caron | Jordyn | Bach of Arts Science Four-Year | Health Studies |
Carter | Quinlan | Bachelor of Science Honours | Microbiology and Immunology |
Castro | Renell | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Computer Science |
Charyna | Sophia | Bachelor of Arts Honours | English |
Chatlain | Sophie | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | French |
Clark | Alexander | Bachelor of Science Honours | Anatomy and Cell Biology |
Clarkson | Mikaela | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Anatomy and Cell Biology |
Clifford | Breanna | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Sociology |
Collins | Janinne | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Psychology |
Cook | Alyson | Bachelor of Arts Honours | English |
Crooks | Vera | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Microbiology and Immunology |
Crooks | Vera | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Anatomy and Cell Biology |
Cuggy | Domenic | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | History |
Daniels | Kristen | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Environmental Biology |
De Los Reyes | Glenn Raphael | Bachelor of Science Honours | Anatomy and Cell Biology |
Duong | Lina | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Durand | Noel | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Sociology |
Dyer | Marielle | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Psychology |
Eastley | Sean | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Linguistics |
Egan-Pimblett | Jonah | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | History |
Ezeaka | Adaeze | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Fiddler | Dallas | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Political Studies |
Fotheringham | Clare | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Psychology |
Fotheringham | Jack | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Political Studies |
Fries | Brooke | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | English |
Friske | David | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Sociology |
Gabruch | Nicholas | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Gordon | Philip | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | English |
Gorsalitz | Megan | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Linguistics |
Greco | Vincent | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | English |
Hall | Nicole | Bachelor of Arts Honours | History |
Hamel-Swityk | Faith | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Hauser | Anastasia | Bachelor of Arts Honours | English |
Herdzik | Melissa | Bachelor of Science Honours | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Hetu | Matthew | Bachelor of Arts Honours | English |
Hoffmeyer | Madison | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Political Studies |
Holliday | Triesta | Bach of Arts Science Honours | Health Studies |
Horn | Jasmine | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Psychology |
Horvath | Sarah | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | International Studies |
Jansen | Camille | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Computer Science |
Jansen | Camille | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Psychology |
Johnson | Matthew | Bach of Arts Science Four-Year | Health Studies |
Kawa | Khariz | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Business Economics |
Kendel | Zoe | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Environmental Biology |
Khan | Maha | Bach of Arts Science Four-Year | Health Studies |
Kim | Eunhyun | Bachelor of Science Honours | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Kim | Jung-Min | Bachelor of Science Honours | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Kirstein | Tiana | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Classical Medieval Renaissance |
Klassen | Colton | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Political Studies |
Koetting | Risa | Bach of Arts Science Four-Year | Health Studies |
Kooy | Natasha | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Religion and Culture |
Kooy | Natasha | Certificate in Global Studies | Global Studies |
Kowdrysh | Taylor | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Sociology |
Krips | Fraser | Bachelor of Music Honours | Music |
Kuznitsoff | Megan | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Sociology |
Lalonde | Jordana | Bachelor of Arts Honours | English |
Landreth | Lexie | Bachelor of Science Honours | Biochemistry |
Laprise | Fiona | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Psychology |
Larlham | Logan | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Microbiology and Immunology |
LaRose | Samantha | Cert in Indigenous Gvn Politic | Indigenous Governance Politics |
Lavier | Miranda | Bachelor of Science Honours | Chemistry |
Lemke | Michael | Bachelor of Science Honours | Biochemistry |
Lenferna de la Motte | Olivia | Bachelor of Arts Honours | English |
Lepp | Bethany | Bachelor of Arts Honours | History |
Li | Muxue | Bachelor of Science Honours | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Li | Yukun | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Computer Science |
Li | Ziying | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Psychology |
Liu | Lingxiu | Bachelor of Science Honours | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Lowes | Morgan | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Sociology |
Luc | Jelyssa | Bach of Arts Science Honours | Health Studies |
Lytle | Calista | Bachelor of Science Honours | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Macabudbud | Kyle | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Magnaye | La Carla Angelica | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Anatomy and Cell Biology |
Mantyka | Drew | Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours | Drama |
Matchee | Monique | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Psychology |
McCoshen | Daniel | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Computer Science |
McCullough | Alyssa | Bachelor of Science Three-Year | Physiology and Pharmacology |
McKerlie | Vanessa | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Sociology |
Moellenbeck | Emilie | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Religion and Culture |
Moen | Connor | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Political Studies |
Muembo | Alberta | Certificate in Global Studies | Global Studies |
Muirhead | Matthew | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Geology |
Munton | Alyssa | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Nair | Revathi | Bachelor of Science Honours | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Nenson | Stefan | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Environmental Earth Sciences |
Neufeld | Cooper | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | English |
Neufeld | Courtney | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Philosophy |
Neufeldt | Evan | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Studio Art |
Nikbakht | Coden | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Political Studies |
Nobes | Olivia | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Biochemistry |
Osterried | Lia | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Sociology |
Paskemin | Glennis | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Sociology |
Pasloski | Nicole | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Sociology |
Patel | Nihalkumar | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Paulsen | Alanna | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Sociology |
Pearce | Thea | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Political Studies |
Penna | Angela | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Music |
Pickett | Emily | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Drama |
Pittet | Danica | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Environmental Biology |
Pizarro | Karla | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Linguistics |
Plishka | Elizabeth | Cert in Criminol and Addiction | Criminology and Addictions |
Prokopowich | Morgan | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Regional and Urban Planning |
Prytula | Karissa | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Qureshi | Muhammad | Bachelor of Science Honours | Psychology |
Rasch | Thomas | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | English |
Reaser | Jacob | Certificate in Jazz | Jazz |
Reaser | Jacob | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Reichert | Matthew | Bach of Arts Science Honours | Environment and Society |
Reyes | Nicole Lianne | Bachelor of Science Honours | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Reyes Herrera | Kristy | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Linguistics |
Richardson | Elizabeth | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Ripplinger | Megan | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Sociology |
Rogers | Jillian | Bach of Arts Science Honours | Health Studies |
Rukh | Mah | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Sajjad | Arsalan | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Political Studies |
Samson | Kirsten | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Political Studies |
Samson | Kirsten | Certificate in Global Studies | Global Studies |
Sanche | Emily | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Psychology |
Sanchez | Monique Justine | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Psychology |
Sanduliak | Amanda | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Sarfraz | Mishal | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Sarjeant-Jenkins | Tristan | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Modern Languages |
Saworski | Toni-Anne | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Microbiology and Immunology |
Schatz | Morgan | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Schell | Krystal | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Schitka | Caitlin | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Schmidt | Joland | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Psychology |
Selinger | Matthew | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Political Studies |
Sierra | Angel Tweetum | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Singh | Prabhdeep | Bachelor of Science Three-Year | Mathematics |
Smith | Shae-Lynn | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Biology |
Sokolan | Matthew | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Political Studies |
Stainbrook | Chloe | Cert in Ethics Justice Law | Ethics Justice and Law |
Stang | Jessica | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Sociology |
Stang | Jessica | Cert in Ethics Justice Law | Ethics Justice and Law |
Taillon | Matthieu | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Tesfay | Haile | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Economics |
Thome | Kiana | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Psychology |
Thompson | Alexa | Bachelor of Arts Three-Year | Psychology |
Thompson | Matthew | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Computer Science |
Topacio | Zhealynn | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Vadeboncoeur | Abby | Bachelor of Arts Honours | History |
Vadeboncoeur | Abby | Cert in Ethics Justice Law | Ethics Justice and Law |
Vereschagin | Shawn | Bachelor of Music Honours | Music Education |
Verma | Sweety | Bachelor of Science Three-Year | Mathematics |
Virdi | Satpal | Certificate in Global Studies | Global Studies |
Walcer | Taylor | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | English |
Wassell | Naomi | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Studio Art |
Wedholm | Emma | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Linguistics |
Werezak | Emma | Bachelor of Science Honours | Anatomy and Cell Biology |
Wickenhauser | Aidan | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Psychology |
Wickenhauser | Aidan | Cert in Ethics Justice Law | Ethics Justice and Law |
Woloschuk | Caitlin | Cert in Ethics Justice Law | Ethics Justice and Law |
Wong | Lauren | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Studio Art |
Woo | Olivia | Bachelor of Science Honours | Anatomy and Cell Biology |
Yassin | Hassan | Bachelor of Science Honours | Physiology and Pharmacology |
Zales | Kathlyn Joy | Bachelor of Arts Four-Year | Psychology |
Zhou | Xing Si | Bachelor of Science Four-Year | Anatomy and Cell Biology |
Zhou | Xingyu | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Business Economics |
Zimmerman | Taylor | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Philosophy |
Zlipko | Mykan | Bachelor of Arts Honours | Anthropology |
Award Winners
Right Reverend Monsignor Myroslav Kolodey Memorial Academic Prize
STM graduate with highest cumulative weighted average.
- Nancy (Shuang) Cai, B.Sc. Honours
Thomas Deis '38 Prize in Scholastic Philosophy in Honour of Dr. Basil Markle S.T.D.
STM philosophy graduate with highest cumulative weighted average.
- Joshua Brand, B.A. Honours
Thomas Deis '38 WWII Memorial Prize
Awarded to a St. Thomas More College Student or Newman Centre member who has demonstrated an all-round excellence or leadership, and/or who has enriched notably the life of STM or Newman Centre.
- Alyssa McCullough, B.Sc.
- Andrea Pottle, B. Ed.
Father Henry Carr Award
Given out at Spring and Fall Convocation. Awarded to a student who has shown leadership in and/or contributed to the life of the St. Thomas More College.
- Mykan Zlipko, B.A. Honours