Anthony Jenkins
Sessional Instructor Philosophy- Address
- STM 205
Research Area(s)
- Logic
- Philosophy and History of Logic
- Philosophy of Mathematics
- Metaphysics
- Philosophical Psychology/Anthropology
- Bertrand Russell, Gotlob Frege, L. Wittgenstein, Aquinas and Aristotle
- BA, Honours, Mathematics and Philosophy, 1991, McMaster University
- MA, Philosophy, 1993, McMaster University
- PhD (ABD) University of Toronto
Research Projects
- Logical Pluralism
- Non-Existent Objects
- Nature of Truth
- Global Skepticism
- Texts on Aristotelian Logic and Critical Thinking
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Review of Romantic Intimacy, Stanford, for BARS (British Association for Romantic Studies)
- Review of Aristotle and Induction: Creating Something from Nothing, Dialogue
- Review of Insight and Inference: Descartes’s Founding Principle and Modern Philosophy, Dialogue.
- “Skepticism and the Future of Philosophy” delivered on the 6’th of March 2011 for the University of Saskatchewan’s “Philosophy and the Community” Series.
Teaching Responsibilities
- Introductions to Philosophy: Phil 110, 120, 133
- Modern Symbolic Logic, Phil 241
- Aritostotelian Logic, 240
- Critical Thinking Phil 140
- Nature of Material Reality, Philosophy of Human Nature, Environmental Philosophy, Biomedical Ethics, On Skepticism (for SSCL)
Administrative Responsibilities
- Best Practice Research regarding Revision of STM Philosophy Department Logic Requirement, May to September, 2007