Charles Smith
Associate Professor Political Studies- Address
- STM 220
Research Area(s)
- Canadian and International political economy
- Public law
- Labour unions
- Federal and provincial public policy
- B.A. (UNBC)
- M.A. (York)
- PhD. (York)
Research Projects
- Co-editor of Canada's foremost labour studies journal Labour/Le Travail
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Charles Smith (With Tom McIntosh) (editors). The New Politics of Western Canada: Contested Histories, Uncertain Futures (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2025).
- Charles W. Smith (with Larry Savage). Unions in Court: Organized Labour and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2017).
- Charles W. Smith (with Bryan Evans) (editors). The Transformation of Provincial Politics: The Political Economy of Canada’s Provinces and Territories in a Neoliberal Era. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015).
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- (With Simon Enoch) ““That Party was Born without a Soul.” Re-examining the Populism of the Saskatchewan Party,” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 2025, 1-15 https://doi.org/10.1017/S0008423924000386.
- “Workers in Saskatchewan Now Have a Clear-Cut Bill of Rights”: Labour Law, Social Democracy, and the Saskatchewan Trade Union Act, 1944–1950. Labour Le Travail, 94 (Fall 2024), 45–101.
- (With Daniel J. Paré) "Free to express yourself online while off-duty? Tracing jurisdictional expressions of shifting workplace boundaries in Canada," Information, Communication & Society (2022).
- "The Ghosts of Wagnerism: Organized Labour, Union Strategies, and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms," Canadian Journal of Law and Society (2019): 99-120.
- (With Andrew Stevens) "The architecture of modern anti-unionism in Canada: Class struggle and the erosion of workers’ collective freedoms," Capital & Class (2018): 1-23.
- "Freedom of association and the political economy of rights: the collective freedoms of workers after SFL v. Saskatchewan," Studies in Political Economy 98 (2017): 124-150.
- “We Didn’t Want to Totally Break the Law:” Industrial Legality, the Pepsi Strike, and Workers’ Collective Rights in Canada,” Labour/Le Travail 74 (2014): 89-121.
- (With Lorne Sossin) “The Politics of Transparency and Independence before Administrative Boards.” Saskatchewan Law Review 75 (2012): 13-53.
- “The Politics of the Ontario Labour Relations Act: Business, Labour, and Government in the Consolidation of Post-War Industrial Relations, 1949-1961,” Labour/Le Travail 62 (Fall 2008): 109-151.
- (With Lorne Sossin) “Hard Choices and Soft Law: Ethical Codes, Policy Guidelines and the Role of the Courts in Regulating Government,” University of Alberta Law Review 40:4 (2002): 867-893.
Book Chapters
- "Active Incrementalism and the Politics of Austerity in the "New Saskatchewan," in Bryan Evans and Carlo Fanelli eds., The Public Sector in an Age of Austerity: Perspectives from Canada's Provinces and Territories (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2018), 71-100.
- (With Bryan Evans) “The Transformation of Ontario Politics: The Long Ascent of Neoliberalism,” in Bryan Evans and Charles W. Smith eds., The Transformation of Provincial Politics: The Political Economy of Canada’s Provinces and Territories in a Neoliberal Era (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015), 162-191.
- (With Larry Savage) “Public Sector Unions and Electoral Politics in Canada,” in S. Ross and L. Savage eds., Public Sector Unions in the Age of Austerity (Halifax: Fernwood, 2013), 46-56.
- “Labour, courts and the erosion of workers’ rights in Canada,” in Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage eds., Rethinking The Politics of Labour in Canada (Halifax: Fernwood, 2012), 184-197.
- “The “New Normal” in Saskatchewan: Neoliberalism and the Challenge to Workers Rights,” in David McGrane ed., New Directions in Saskatchewan Public Policy (Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 2011), 121-152.
Teaching Responsibilities
- INTS 400.3: Social Justice and the Common Good
- POLS 303.3: Public Law in Canada
- POLS 304.3: Democracy and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- POLS 362.3: Global Political Economy
Administrative Responsibilities
- Professional/Community Service Committee