
  • Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago, May 2012
  • M.A., Loyola University Chicago, August 2007


Professor Wallace teaches and researches in the areas of religion and literature, postcolonial literature, women writers, and literary ethics. 

Her first book, Of Women Borne: A Literary Ethics of Suffering, was published in March 2016 by Columbia University Press. (

Her second book, The Literary Afterlives of Simone Weil: Feminism, Justice, and the Challenge of Religion, was published in April 2024. (

She is currently working on a book of memoir and/as theory, tentatively called Finding Each Other: Lessons in Agonistic Communion. 

Selected Publications

  • Wallace, C. The Literary Afterlives of Simone Weil: Feminism, Justice, and the Challenge of Religion. New York, New York: Columbia University Press, 2024.
  • Wallace, C. "Global Christianities and Global Literatures". Christianity and Literature, 2023.
  • Wallace, C. ""Endless Beginner": Adrienne Rich's Later Work". Arizona Quarterly, 2022.
  • Wallace, C. "Reading in the Wake: Empathy Debates, ‘The Reader,’ and Toni Morrison's God Help the Child". University of Toronto Quarterly 90, 4 (2022): 713-735.
  • Wallace, C. "Attention, Representation, and Unsettlement in Katherena Vermette’s The Break, or, Teaching and (Re)Learning the Ethics of Reading". Humanities 8, 4 (2019)
  • Wallace, C. ""passionate reverence / active love": Levertov and Weil in the Communion of Struggle" In this need to dance/this need to kneel: Denise Levertov and the Poetics of Faith, edited by Michael P. Murphy and Melissa Bradshaw. Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2019.
  • Wallace, C. "A Cloud of Unknowing: Anticolonial Ethics in Louise Erdrich's *The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse*". Contemporary Literature 59, 4 (2018)
  • Wallace, C. "To the World: Ana Castillo's *The Guardians* and Literature after Vatican II" In Turning to the World: Social Justice and the Common Good Since Vatican II, edited by Carl N. Still and Gertrude Rompré, 125-139. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2018.
  • Wallace, C. ""Whatever Else We Call It": The Great Price of Secular Sainthood in Mary Gordon's *Pearl*". Religion and Literature 48, 3 (2016): 1-25.
  • Wallace, C. Of Women Borne: A Literary Ethics of Suffering. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2016.
  • Wallace, C. "L as Language: Love and Ethics". African American Review 47, 2-3 (2014): 375-390.
  • Wallace, C. "Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus and the Paradoxes of Postcolonial Redemption". Christianity and literature 61, 3 (2012): 465-483.
  • Wallace, C. "In the Beginning: Beloved and the Religious Word of Psychoanalysis". Literature and Theology 25, 3 (2011): 268-282.

Teaching Responsibilities

  • ENG 215: Life Writing
  • ENG 282: Introduction to Feminist Theory and Literature by Women
  • INTS 203: Cultivating Humanity
  • CTST 200: Introduction to Catholic Studies
  • ENG 209: Transnational Literatures
  • ENG 383: Decolonizing Theories and Literatures

As well as Honours seminars and graduate courses in postcolonial literature and theory, women writers and feminism, and literary ethics