Research Area(s)

  • Islamic intellectual and legal history
  • Christian-Muslim Relations
  • Muslims' interactions with non-Muslim polities and cultures
  • Islamic rituals and practices


  • Ph.D. McGill University
  • M.A. Hartford Seminary
  • M.A. Gadjah Mada University
  • B.A. Gadjah Mada University

Research Projects

My research focuses on the interplay between Islamic intellectual and legal history, Christian-Muslim relations, and the interactions between Muslim and non-Muslim polities and cultures. I am particularly interested in the adaptation of Islamic rituals and practices within secular contexts.

I am currently working on a project that explores the evolving roles of Muslim leaders, or imams, within the Canadian context. This study aims to enhance our understanding of these leaders by examining their practices, interactions, and influence within the local Canadian community. Additionally, the project seeks to elucidate Canadian Muslims' attitudes towards the government, the contributions of imams to their participation in broader society, and the implications of these dynamics for their future.

In parallel, I am writing a monograph on Yahya b. Sharaf al-Nawawi entitled Nawawi: A Window into the Islamic Tradition. This project examines Nawawi's intellectual legacy within broader Muslim interpretive traditions, among the traditional Shafi'i Muslims and Sufis, modernists, and contemporary Salafi Muslims.


Selected Publications and Presentations


2015    Halim, Fachrizal A., Legal Authority in Premodern Islam: Yaḥyā b. Sharaf al-Nawawī in the Shāfiʿī School of Law, New York: Routledge. Available at: Routledge, Amazon, eBook

Edited Volumes

2016    Halim, Fachrizal A. and Veronika Makarova, Islam on the Prairies: Tolerance, Pluralism, and Diversity. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan.

Refereed Journal Articles

2024    Halim, Fachrizal. “Rereading the Biblical Story of Sarah and Hagar: A Note for Interfaith Activists.” IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilizational Studies Vol 7, 1: 21-31.

2024    Halim, Fachrizal. “Lessons Learned, Resilience Built, and Multipolarism Imagined: The Muslim Experience of the 2019-2022 Pandemic Crisis.” Abdurrauf Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 3, 2: 140-157. 

2021    Halim, Fachrizal. “Islam, Indigeneity, and Religious Difference in a Secular Context: Canadian Case Studies.” Simulacra 4, no. 2 (2021): 185-200. 

2015    Halim, Fachrizal A., “Reformulating the Madhhab in Cyberspace: Legal Authority, Doctrines, and Ijtihad among Contemporary Shāfiʿī.” Islamic Law and Society, 22, 413-435. DOI:

2014    Halim, Fachrizal A., “Ibn Rushd as Jurist and His Fatwā on Legal Capacity.” al-Qalam, 31:1, 74-96.

2013    Halim, Fachrizal A., “The Adaptation and Cooperation of Minority Muslims in Russian History.” al-Jāmiʿah, 5:2, 65-90. DOI:

2013    Halim, Fachrizal A., “Contestation of the Oath Procedure in Colonial Indonesia’s Islamic Court.” Indonesia and the Malay World, 14-28. DOI:

Book Chapters

2022    Halim, Fachrizal A., “Ritual Practices among the ʿAlawis, the Druze, the Ahmadis, and Black Muslims.” In Routledge Handbook of Islamic Ritual and Practice, edited by Oliver Leaman. New York: Routledge, pp. 173-184. 

2016    Halim, Fachrizal A., “Teaching about Islam and Muslim Societies on the Prairies.” In Islam on the Prairies: Tolerance, Pluralism, and Diversity. Edited by Fachrizal A. Halim and Veronika Makarova. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 2016, pp. 33-40.

2016    Halim, Fachrizal A. and Veronika Makarova, “Introduction.” In Islam on the Prairies: Tolerance, Pluralism, and Diversity. Edited by Fachrizal A. Halim and Veronika Makarova. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 2016, pp. 7-8.

Encyclopedia Entries

Forthcoming    Halim, Fachrizal A., "Bioethics in Indonesia." In Ayman Shabana (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Islamic Bioethics. New York: Oxford University Press.

2023    Halim, Fachrizal A., “al-Nawawī, Muḥyī al-Dīn.” In Kate Fleet, Gudrun Krämer, Denis Matringe, John Nawas and Everett Rowson (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE, Brill.

2013    Halim, Fachrizal A., “Guardianship.” In Natana J. DeLong-Ba (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acref:oiso/9780199764464.001.0001


Fachrizal A. Halim Review of Journeying with Muslims: The Ignatian Way. Quezon City Philippines: Jesuits Among Muslims in Asia Network and Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific, 223 pages, 2022. Jurnal Mediasas Vol 6, 1 June, 75-79, 2023.

Teaching Responsibilities

Although my academic training focuses on Islamic intellectual and legal history, I have always explored these fields in their interactions with other world cultures and religious traditions. This interdisciplinary approach has naturally cultivated my passion for teaching courses on the world's religions and cultures. I believe it is my responsibility to guide students toward becoming responsible, ethical, and compassionate individuals. To achieve this, I aim to maintain class environments that are intellectually rigorous, inclusive, safe, and, above all, engaging and fun.

In my classes, students from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds—including Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, and non-faith traditions—come together to explore the diversity of human tradition and the foundational principles of faith that permeate all aspects of human existence. I select teaching materials that foster awareness and a deeper appreciation for the unique experiences of both the self and others. When delivering these materials, I emphasize principles of social justice, the common good, humility, and service to others. I believe that cultivating these qualities is crucial for success in any profession.

Outside the classroom, I offer free public talks to the local community through the USask Speakers Bureau on topics such as:

  • What is Islam?
  • Heaven and Hell: A Historical Journey
  • Ghosts, Vampires, and Zombies: Are They Real?

Courses that I offer in Fall T1 2024
RLST 112 Western Religions
RLST 200 Religions in Canada
RLST 240 Introduction to Islam (Online)

For Winter T2 2024, I will teach the following courses:
RLST 241 Islam in the Modern World
RLST 283 Comparative Mysticism