Fachrizal A. Halim
Term Faculty Religion and CultureSpecialized in Islamic legal and intellectual history, contemporary Islam, Christian-Muslim relations, mysticism, and Islamic rituals and practices.
- Address
- STM 211
Research Area(s)
- Islamic intellectual and legal history
- Contemporary Islam
- Christian-Muslim Relations
- Comparative Mysticism
- Muslim Integration in Non-Muslim Societies
- Islamic Rituals and Practices in Secular Contexts
- Ph.D. in Islamic Studies - McGill University, Canada
- M.A. in Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations - Hartford Seminary, USA
- M.A. in Religious Studies - Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
- B.A. in Philosophy - Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Research Projects
As a researcher in the study of Islam and Muslim societies, I explore the dynamic intersections of Islamic intellectual history, Islamic law, and Christian-Muslim dialogue. My work focuses on how Islamic practices, cultures, and identities adapt in secular societies, bridging traditional religious scholarship with contemporary societal needs. This interdisciplinary approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of Islam's role in modern, multicultural settings.
Currently, I am working on a study titled "Mapping Muslim Leadership in a Multicultural Society," which examines the changing roles of imams in Canada. This research investigates how imams influence their communities, Canadian Muslims' participation in civic life, relationships between government and Muslim communities, and the impact on Muslim integration in Canadian society. This project is key to understanding the dynamics of Muslim leadership in Western multicultural contexts.
By combining academic research with real-world experiences, my work aims to promote understanding and collaboration among diverse religious and cultural groups in multicultural societies. This approach advances academic knowledge and provides valuable resources for policymakers, community leaders, and individuals navigating the complexities of religious and cultural diversity in today's interconnected society.
Whether you are a student, researcher, policymaker, or simply interested in Islamic studies and cultural integration, this research offers valuable perspectives on the role of Islam in contemporary Western societies. It bridges the gap between academic scholarship and practical application, allowing us to obtain greater cooperation and understanding in our increasingly diverse world.
Selected Publications and Presentations
2015 Halim, Fachrizal A., Legal Authority in Premodern Islam: Yaḥyā b. Sharaf al-Nawawī in the Shāfiʿī School of Law, New York: Routledge. Available at: Routledge, Amazon, eBook.
Edited Volumes
2016 Halim, Fachrizal A. and Veronika Makarova, Islam on the Prairies: Tolerance, Pluralism, and Diversity. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan.
Refereed Journal Articles
2024 Halim, Fachrizal. “Rereading the Biblical Story of Sarah and Hagar: A Note for Interfaith Activists.” IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilizational Studies Vol 7, 1: 21-31.
2024 Halim, Fachrizal. “Lessons Learned, Resilience Built, and Multipolarism Imagined: The Muslim Experience of the 2019-2022 Pandemic Crisis.” Abdurrauf Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 3, 2: 140-157.
2021 Halim, Fachrizal. “Islam, Indigeneity, and Religious Difference in a Secular Context: Canadian Case Studies.” Simulacra 4, no. 2 (2021): 185-200.
2015 Halim, Fachrizal A., “Reformulating the Madhhab in Cyberspace: Legal Authority, Doctrines, and Ijtihad among Contemporary Shāfiʿī.” Islamic Law and Society, 22, 413-435. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15685195-00224p04
2014 Halim, Fachrizal A., “Ibn Rushd as Jurist and His Fatwā on Legal Capacity.” al-Qalam, 31:1, 74-96.
2013 Halim, Fachrizal A., “The Adaptation and Cooperation of Minority Muslims in Russian History.” al-Jāmiʿah, 5:2, 65-90. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14421/ajis.2013.512.311-335
2013 Halim, Fachrizal A., “Contestation of the Oath Procedure in Colonial Indonesia’s Islamic Court.” Indonesia and the Malay World, 14-28. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13639811.2012.750098
Book Chapters
2025 Halim, Fachrizal A. "Teaching about Islam and Muslims in a Secular Canada: A Reflection from a Catholic College." In Christian Higher Education in a Secular Age, edited by Matthew Zantingh and Joy Demoskoff. Research in Religion and Education. New York: Routledge.
2022 Halim, Fachrizal A., “Ritual Practices among the ʿAlawis, the Druze, the Ahmadis, and Black Muslims.” In Routledge Handbook of Islamic Ritual and Practice, edited by Oliver Leaman. New York: Routledge, pp. 173-184.
2016 Halim, Fachrizal A., “Teaching about Islam and Muslim Societies on the Prairies.” In Islam on the Prairies: Tolerance, Pluralism, and Diversity. Edited by Fachrizal A. Halim and Veronika Makarova. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 2016, pp. 33-40.
2016 Halim, Fachrizal A. and Veronika Makarova, “Introduction.” In Islam on the Prairies: Tolerance, Pluralism, and Diversity. Edited by Fachrizal A. Halim and Veronika Makarova. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 2016, pp. 7-8.
Encyclopedia Entries
Forthcoming Halim, Fachrizal A., "Bioethics in Indonesia." In Ayman Shabana (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Islamic Bioethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
2023 Halim, Fachrizal A., “al-Nawawī, Muḥyī al-Dīn.” In Kate Fleet, Gudrun Krämer, Denis Matringe, John Nawas and Everett Rowson (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE, Brill.
2013 Halim, Fachrizal A., “Guardianship.” In Natana J. DeLong-Ba (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acref:oiso/9780199764464.001.0001
Fachrizal A. Halim Review of Journeying with Muslims: The Ignatian Way. Quezon City Philippines: Jesuits Among Muslims in Asia Network and Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific, 223 pages, 2022. Jurnal Mediasas Vol 6, 1 June, 75-79, 2023.
Teaching Responsibilities
As a scholar of Islamic intellectual and legal history, I approach teaching and research by integrating historical, textual, and cultural perspectives. My courses explore the intersections of Islamic beliefs and practices, Christian-Muslim relations, interfaith dialogue, and contemporary social issues.
In the classroom, I am committed to creating an environment where students can engage deeply with the material. Through a mix of texts, multimedia resources, and interactive discussions, I encourage students to think critically and grow personally. My goal is to help them become thoughtful individuals who are prepared to navigate our diverse world.
The materials and methods I use in my classes emphasize values such as social justice, the common good, humility, and service to others. By focusing on these ethical principles, I aim to help students become responsible citizens who can address the challenges facing society today. I believe qualities like empathy, critical reflection, and commitment to positive change are crucial for success in our interconnected world. I encourage students to approach diverse viewpoints with openness, engage in meaningful dialogue across differences, and apply ethical reasoning to real-life situations.
Community Engagement: Through the USask Speakers Bureau, I offer free public lectures on topics such as:
- What is Islam?
- Heaven and Hell: A Historical Journey
- Ghosts, Vampires, and Zombies: Are They Real?
These talks extend the reach of religious studies beyond the classroom, engaging the wider community in thought-provoking discussions.
Courses that I offer in Fall T1 2024
RLST 112 Western Religions
RLST 200 Religions in Canada
RLST 240 Introduction to Islam (Online)
For Winter T2 2024, I will teach the following courses:
RLST 241 Islam in the Modern World
RLST 283 Comparative Mysticism
Each course offers unique perspectives on major world religions, Islam and Muslim societies, their histories, and their contemporary realities. Whether you are exploring Western or Canadian religions, Islam's role in the modern world, or the mystical traditions across faith and non-faith traditions, these classes provide a comprehensive understanding of world religions, Islam, mysticism, and their influence on our shared human experience!
Register for these courses at the University of Saskatchewan through PAWS