Zachary Yuzwa
Assistant Professor; Department Head, History- Address
- STM 209
Research Area(s)
- Late Antiquity
- Latin Literature
- Asceticism and Monasticism
- Classical receptions in Christian literature
- Literary form and genre in late antiquity, especially dialogue and epistolography
- Ph.D., Cornell University
- M.A., Cornell University
- M.A., University of Alberta
- B.A. (First Class Honours), University of Alberta
Research Projects
- "Jerome's Pachomiana and Ascetic Translatio: Audiences, Reception and Translation in the Latin Monastic Literature of the Fifth Century." A study of Jerome’s translations of Pachomian literature, not simply as a source for Pachomian monasticism but in the context of Jerome’s broader authorial programme.
- “How to Read the Saints: A Poetics of Exemplarity in Sulpicius Severus’ Gallus.” A study of Sulpicius’ writings on Martin, the Gallus in particular, the aim of which is to examine the author’s construction of ideal readers by attending to questions of genre and form, imitation and intertext.
Selected Publications and Presentations
Recent Publications
- "Reading Genre in Sulpicius Severus' Letters.” Journal of Late Antiquity 7.2 (2014)
- "To Live by the Example of Angels: Dialogue, Imitation and Identity in Sulpicius Severus’ Gallus." Studia Patristica 69 (2013): 123-30.
Recent Presentations
- “Genre and the Reader in Sulpicius Severus’ Gallus: A Cognitive Approach.” International Conference on Patristic Studies XVII, Oxford, UK, August 2015.
- “Sed iam finem liber postulat: Problems of Closure in Latin Hagiographical Literature of Late Antiquity.” Late Antique Hagiography as Literature: A Colloquium, Edinburgh, UK, May 2015.
- “Jerome's Pachomiana and Ascetic Translatio: Audiences, Reception and Translation in the Latin Monastic Literature of the Fifth Century.” International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2014.
- “Sulpicius’ Gallus and the Dialogue Form in Antiquity.” Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity X, Ottawa, ON, March 2013
- “Reading Genre in Sulpicius Severus’ Letters.” Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, Seattle, WA, January 2013.
- “How to Read a Saint: Obedience, Imitation and the Writing of Hagiography in Sulpicius Severus’ Gallus.” Congress of the Canadian Society of Medievalists, Waterloo, ON, May 2012.
- “(Re)reading Martin: Genre and the Reader in Sulpicius’ Martinian Corpus.” North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, May 2012.
- “‘To Live by the Example of Angels’: Dialogue, Imitation and Identity in the Gallus.” 16th International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, UK, August 2011.
- “‘Why Do We Not Adorn Ourselves?’: Aesthetics and Ascetics in the Life of Pelagia.” North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, May 2009.
Teaching Responsibilities
Courses taught in previous years:
- CMRS 110 (The Greco-Roman Tradition)
- LATN 202 (Intermediate Latin I)
- LATN 203 (Intermediate Latin II)
- LATN 112 (Latin for Beginners I)
- LATN 113 (Latin for Beginners II)
- CLAS 104 (Classical Myths)
Awarded the USSU Teaching Excellence Award in 2014 - 2015
Administrative Responsibilities
- Member, Policy Advisory Committee, Museum of Antiquities
- Member, Executive Committee, Classical Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program