Rev. Dr. Sandra Beardsall is an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada.
She was Professor of Church History and Ecumenics at St Andrew’s College, Saskatoon for 24 years. Her research and writing brought together historical, pastoral, and ecumenical concerns in the service of ministry, ecclesiology, and the search for Christian unity, with a special concern for local ecumenism. She has served on national ecumenical dialogues and is a member of the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches. She lives in Saskatoon.

Lecture 1

Here Comes Nicaea 2025:
Are we Ready for Visible Unity?

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025
7:00 pm, St. Thomas More College
1437 College Drive, Saskatoon

The goal of “visible unity” lies at the heart of ecumenical endeavour. It animated the Council of Nicaea, and it continues to engage Christians today. Can we agree on what it means? Are we ready to embrace it? What would it take? And would the visible unity of Christians make a difference – in our churches, and in the world?


Lecture 2

Here Comes Nicaea 2025:
Are we Ready to Share the Apostolic Faith Together?

Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025
7:00 pm, Campion College
3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina

Those gathered at Nicaea sought to transmit the proclamation of the earliest
Christian evangelists faithfully. It was not an easy task. It continues to perplex those who seek Christian unity. What does the faith of Nicaea teach us about living
together as Christians today?


The two lectures complement each other and will
be available both in-person and via livestream at:


Event Details

07:00 PM - 09:00 PM CST
Fr. O'Donnell Auditorium


Gertrude Rompre