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The Hinz / Teunissen Literary Collection in 20th Century Literature was donated to St. Thomas More College in 2004. It belonged to and was built by Dr. Evelyn Hinz and Dr. John Teunissen, Professors of English at the University of Manitoba, and was donated to the College by Dr. John Teunissen upon the death Dr. Hinz in 2002.
Dr. Hinz had been the Literary Executor of Anaïs Nin, and the collection is based upon the writing of Ms. Nin and her contemporaries of 20th century American and European literature. Dr. Hinz was engaged by Nin to be Nin’s official biographer, and thus the collection is very extensive and multi-faceted, and includes books, many inscribed, original documents, taped interviews of the literary and social elite of the day, and photographs. It also includes to a lesser extent some materials related to Nin’s contemporary Henry Miller, as well as some materials by and about Nin’s subject of study and writing, D H Lawrence, and other authors including the scholarship of Hinz and Teunissen.
This important collection of European and American literature exemplifies a passionate embracing of life following the numbing destruction and shock of World War I, from which the world was still reeling in the emerging flapper era, and extends into the years of World War II. It also represents a broader emergence from the Victorian era and a dawning of women’s personal voice in literature during the early years of the 1900s, and carries through to the years of women’s liberation movement of the 1960’s and 70’s. Nin is an important early feminist scholar and her diaries are a unique genre of the time period.
Anaïs Nin (1903-1977) was of Spanish and Cuban ancestry born and raised in France, who then moved to New York at the age of 11. At that age, she began keeping a journal as a letter to her father, who remained in Europe, and continued the practice of journalling until her death at the age of 74. Nin also wrote fiction, non-fiction, and extensive personal correspondence.
The Nin Literary Collection is vast, unique, and of singular importance in Canada in that it represents an important literary scholar, writer and personality, Anais Nin, and covers a variety of literary genres.
Collection Description
Collection Description
The Nin Literary Collection contains books, manuscripts, documents, photographs, taped interviews, records and other memorabilia of Dr. Evelyn Hinz and Dr. John Teunissen. The subject of this collection is generally 20th century literature with a concentration on Anaïs Nin, D. H. Lawrence, Henry Miller, and related writers, as well as the scholarship of Drs. Hinz and Teunissen.
Anaïs Nin: Biography
Anaïs Nin was born in Neuilly, France, February 21, 1903, to Joaquin Nin and Rosa Culmell and moved to New York in 1914 with her mother and siblings, after her father abandoned the family. She began her diary at this time and continued the diary throughout her life. She married banker Hugh P. Guiler in Cuba in 1923 and moved to Paris with him in 1931, where she published her first book, D.H. Lawrence : An Unprofessional Study (1932) and associated with and cultivated writers and artists, including Antonin Artaud, Lawrence Durrell, Henry Miller, Gonzalo Moré. She began psychoanalysis with Dr. Réne Allendy and later with Otto Rank, a protege of Sigmund Freud. She published The House of Incest (1936) and Winter of Artifice (1939) while in Europe. She returned to New York and began to publish her own work under the imprint of the Gemor Press, including Under a Glass Bell (1944), This Hunger (1945) and limited editions of The House of Incest and Winter of Artifice. Her husband, Hugh Guiler, using the name Ian Hugo, became a filmmaker and engraver, while maintaining his banking career. Nin published several more books of fiction, including Ladders to Fire (1946), Children of the Albatross (1947), The Four-chambered Heart (1950), A Spy in the House of Love (1954), Solar Barque (1958), Cities of the Interior (1959) and Seduction of the Minotaur (1961). In 1947 she met Rupert Pole and accompanied him on a cross-country trip from New York to Los Angeles, with stops in New Orleans and Taos. She spent the next several years living in New York and Los Angeles, continuing to write in her diary and establishing herself in the creative community of Los Angeles. She took up permanent residence in Los Angeles in 1961. The publication of the first volume of her diary in 1966 brought Nin world-wide attention. The diaries were subsequently published in 7 volumes, 1966-1980. Unexpurgated volumes were published following the death of Hugh Guiler in 1985. Nin died in Los Angeles in 1977.
Research Bursaries
Research bursaries for the Nin Collection is availiable in various amounts up to $2000 depending on need.

Hinz Teunissen Literary Collection in Twentieth Century Literature
Donated by Dr. Evelyn Hinz and Dr. John Teunissen
The Shannon Library is pleased to have received this generous literary donation of modern 20th Century literature. The core of the collection consists of material written by or about Anaïs Nin, Henry Miller, and D.H. Lawrence, the scholarship of Drs. Evelyn Hinz and John Teunissen, and others.
The collection was created by the late Dr. Evelyn J. Hinz and Dr. John J. Teunissen. Hinz and Teunissen met at St. Thomas More College in 1959, both studying under Father O’Donnell. They completed their academic careers at the University of Manitoba where Hinz was Distinguished Professor of English and Teunissen is now Professor Emeritus.
Dr. Hinz was an internationally recognized scholar and critic, specializing in Nin and in other areas, including critical theory, women’s and feminist literature, Jungian analyses of myth, romance and fantasy, and biography and autobiography. She worked very closely with Nin and was the executor of the Nin literary estate. Hinz received her BA (magna cum laude, with High Honours in 1961) and her MA (1967) from the U of S, and her PhD from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (1973). She was the author of numerous books and scholarly essays, and the recipient of many honours, awards and research grants. At the University of Manitoba, she was for twenty years the editor of the prestigious scholarly journal, MOSAIC: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, a landmark of which was her four-issue Interarts special. Most memorable, however, is the high regard in which she was held by her students, as noted in articles about her since her passing, and the great degree to which she was loved and cherished, especially in her passionate approach to honouring the dreamer and the dream.
Dr. Hinz passed away in early December, 2002. Until her passing, she continued to work on the Nin biography. This single work, as is often the case in true scholarship, was to be an objective, scholarly endeavour; it was to represent the work of a life-time. Research included spending weeks with Nin, combing through her archives, examining her writing, and spending many years travelling extensively throughout the United States, with additional trips to Paris, to conduct interviews with those who knew Nin. Unfortunately, like Nin, Hinz passed away after a battle with cancer. Dr. John Teunissen, who knew them both very well, said they looked like sisters; and indeed were like sisters with similar suffering at the end of their lives. While they lived, however, both were very engaged with life, being very productive and prolific. Hinz's resume can be found here.
Hinz's husband, Dr. John Teunissen earned his BA (cum laude, with High Honours in 1961) and MA (1962) from the University of Saskatchewan, and his PhD at the University of Rochester (1967). Before moving to the University of Manitoba in 1972 as Head of the English Department, he taught for a number of years each at the U of S and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Most of his scholarly publications are in collaboration with Dr. Hinz, with whom he developed a unique approach to literature. Of particular note is the critically edited work A Key into the Language of America by Roger Williams (1643). Dr. Teunissen was active at scholarly conferences and in the profession, having served two terms as President of the Canadian Association for American Studies and as editor of its journal for a period of ten years. In addition to his administrative duties (he was appointed to three five-year terms as Head), he remained active as a teacher, for which he received a teaching award from the Modern Language Association. As was Dr. Hinz, he is very proud of his numerous graduate students who have gone on to careers as college and university teachers and who continue to publish in the Hinz/Teunissen tradition. Dr. Teunissen is fondly remembered by many at the University of Saskatchewan and here at STM for his passion for teaching and the respect and care that he extended toward his students, whom he spent a great deal of time mentoring and encouraging.
Anaïs Nin was a colourful and controversial author and personality who is known in the history of feminism and in literary circles for her Diaries, as well as her own scholarly research in avant-garde fiction and the work of D. H. Lawrence. The collection includes numerous publications and translations of the Diaries and other works by Nin including fiction, non-fiction and personal correspondence. Hinz’s critical works in the collection include three books on Nin: The Mirror and the Garden: Realism and Reality in the Writings of Anaïs Nin, The World of Anaïs Nin(collected scholarly essays edited by Hinz), and A Woman Speaks: The Lectures, Seminars and Interviews of Anaïs Nin, also edited by Hinz, as well as the archival papers, photographs and tapes of Dr. Hinz.
This collection is unique in that many of the volumes are inscribed to Hinz and/or Teunissen by their authors. It is an important and fine one representing the ideal type of collection: it is unique, it is complete, it contains personal inscriptions by the author to the collectors, who were also close personal friends and colleagues, and is supplemented by related works, as well as the complete archives of the donors.
STM is most privileged to have received this collection, and are grateful to Dr. Hinz and Dr. Teunissen for their wisdom and foresight in creating it as well as their generosity in donating it to St Thomas More College.
There are 279 titles in the Nin Literary Collection, which includes the work of Anaïs Nin, Henry Miller, D H Lawrence, and others, as well as the scholarship of Dr. Evelyn Hinz and Dr. John Teunissen.
To search for Books in the Nin Literary Collection, and to find their call number, do the following:
1. On the Shannon Library website, click on the catalogue tab
2. Using the Word search tab, type: Nin Collection
List of Books in the Nin Literary Collection:
Aldan, Daisy. A Golden Story. New York: Folder Editions, 1979. Print.
Allerdyce, Diane. Anaïs Nin and the Remaking of Self: Gender, Modernism, and Narrative Identity. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1998. Print.
Amabile, George. Open Country: Poems. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1976. Print.
---. The Presence of Fire: Poems. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1982. Print.
Anselment, Raymond A. "Betwixt Jest and Earnest": Marprelate, Milton, Marvell, Swift & the Decorum of Religious Ridicule. Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1979. Print.
---. Loyalist Resolve: Patient Fortitude in the English Civil War. Newark Cranbury, NJ: University of Delaware Press; Associated University Presses, 1988. Print.
---. The Realms of Apollo: Literature and Healing in Seventeenth-Century England. Newark London; Cranbury, NJ: University of Delaware Press; Associated University Presses, 1995. Print.
Barille, Elisabeth, and Elfreda Powell, eds. Anaïs Nin masquree, Si Nue; Anaïs, Nin: Naked Under the Mask. Minerva ed. London: Mandarin Paperbacks, 1993. Print.
Baxter, Anne. Intermission: A True Story. First Ballantine books ed. New York: Ballantine, 1978. Print.
Bercovitch, Sacvan. Typology and Early American Literature. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1972. Print. Early American Literature .
Berkin, Carol, Wallace Coyle, and William M. Fowler, eds. The American Revolution: Changing Perspectives. Boston Northeastern University Press, 1979. Print.
Bloom, Harold, ed. DH Lawrence's the Rainbow. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988. Print.
Boyce, John, and Anaïs Nin, eds. Aphrodisiac: Erotic Drawings. New York: Crown Publishers, 1976. Print.
Bradbury, Ray. The Martian Chronicles. New York; Toronto: Bantam Books, 1951. Print.
Braddy, Haldeen. Three Dimensional Poe. El Paso: Texas Western Press, 1973. Print.
Brassaï. Henry Miller, Grandeur Nature. Paris: Gallimard, 1975. Print.
Britton, Burt, ed. Self-Portrait: Book People Picture Themselves. 1st ed. New York: Random House, 1976. Print.
Buss, Helen M., and English Literary Studies, eds. Mother and Daughter Relationships in the Manawaka Works of Margaret Laurence. Victoria, B.C.: English Literary Studies University of Victoria, 1985. Print. Manawaka Works of Margaret Laurence .
Buss, Helen M., and Marlene Kadar, eds. Working in Women's Archives: Researching Women's Private Literature and Archival Documents. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001. Print. Researching Women's Private Literature and Archival Documents.
Buss, Helen M., Anne McWhir, and David Lorne Macdonald, eds. Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley: Writing Lives. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001. Print.
Buss, Helen M. Mapping our Selves: Canadian Women's Autobiography in English. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1993. Print.
---. Memoirs from Away: A New found Land Girlhood. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1999. Print.
Butler, John A. (John Anthony). James I and Divine Right. Tokyo, Japan: Renaissance Institute Sophia University, 1999. Print.
Butler, John. Lord Herbert of Chirbury (1582-1648) : An Intellectual Biography. Lewiston, NY; Queenston, ON: E. Mellen Press, 1990. Print.
Campos, Julieta. El Miedo De Perder a Euridice. Mexico: Joaquïn Mortiz, 1979. Print.
Cederstrom, Lorelei. Fine-Tuning the Feminine Psyche: Jungian Patterns in the Novels of Doris Lessing. New York: P. Lang, 1990. Print.
Chase, Gilbert. Cities and Souls: Poems of Spain. Chartres: Imprimerie Durand, 1929. Print.
Clarke, Margaret. The Cutting Season. 1st -- ed. Edmonton: NeWest Publishers, 1984. Print.
---. Healing Song. 1st ed. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1988. Print.
Clemens, Valdine. The Return of the Repressed: Gothic Horror from the Castle of Otranto to Alien. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999. Print.
Collins, Robert G. From an Ancient to a Modern Theatre: Essays. Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba Press, 1972. Print. Mosaic (Winnipeg, Man.)
Cooley, Dennis. Bloody Jack: A Book. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1984. Print.
---. Irene: A Poem. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 2000. Print.
Corke, Helen. Songs of Autumn: And Other Poems. Austin: Published by the University of Texas Press for the Humanities Research Center University of Texas, 1960. Print.
Coyle, Wallace. Roger Williams: A Reference Guide. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1977. Print.
Cutting, Rose Marie. Anaïs Nin : A Reference Guide. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1978. Print.
D.H. Lawrence Conference, et al, eds. DH Lawrence: The Man Who Lived. Papers. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1980. Print.
Daniels, Bruce Colin, and Grace L. Chickering, eds. Power and Status: Officeholding in Colonial America. 1st ed. Middletown, Conn. Scranton, Pa.: Wesleyan University Press; Distributed by Harper & Row, 1986. Print.
Daniels, Bruce Colin. The Connecticut Town: Growth and Development, 1635-1790. 1st ed. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1979. Print.
---. Connecticut's First Family: William Pitkin and His Connections. Chester, Conn.: Pequot Press, 1975. Print.
---. Dissent and Conformity on Narragansett Bay: The Colonial Rhode Island Town. 1st ed. Middletown, Conn. Scranton, Pa.: Wesleyan University Press; Distributed by Harper & Row, 1983. Print.
---. Puritans at Play: Leisure and Recreation in Colonial New England. 1st ed. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995. Print.
---. Town and County: Essays on the Structure of Local Government in the American Colonies. 1st ed. Middletown, Conn.,: Wesleyan University Press, 1978. Print.
Dembo, L. S., and Annis Pratt, eds. Doris Lessing: Critical Studies. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1974. Print.
Dickey, James. The Strength of Fields. 1st ed. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1979. Print.
Drabble, Margaret. A Summer Bird-Cage. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967. Print.
Duncan, Robert. The Opening of the Field. New York: New Directions Pub. Corp, 1973. Print.
Dyck, E. F. Apostrophes to Myself. Lantzville, B.C.: Oolichan Books, 1987. Print.
---. Odpoems and on Love I have written Little; Turnhill Poems. Moose Jaw, Sask.: Thunder Creek Pub. Co-operative, 1978. Print. Odpoems and on Love I have Written Little; Turnhill Poems .
Dyck, E. F., and Joyce Meyers, eds. Pisscat Songs. Coldstream, Ont.: Brick Books, 1983. Print.
Ellison, Harlan. Strange Wine: Fifteen New Stories from the Nightside of the World. 1st ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1978. Print.
Emerson, Everett H., ed. American Literature, 1764-1789: The Revolutionary Years. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1977. Print.
Finnegan, Robert Emmett, ed. Christ and Satan; Christ and Satan: A Critical Edition. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1977. Print.
Florman, Samuel C. The Existential Pleasures of Engineering. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1976. Print.
Flower, Dean. Henry James in Northampton: Visions and Revisions. Northampton, Mass.: Friends of the Smith College Library, 1971. Print.
Frank, Joseph, compiler. The Doomed Astronaut. Cambridge, Mass: Winthrop Publishers, 1972. Print.
Frank, Joseph. Cromwell's Press Agent: A Critical Biography of Marchamont Nedham, 1620-1678. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1980. Print.
---. Hobbled Pegasus: A Descriptive Bibliography of Minor English Poetry, 1641-1660. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1968. Print.
Franklin, Benjamin. Anais Nin: A Bibliography. Kent: Kent State University Press, 1973. Print.
Franklin, Benjamin and Duane Schneider author, eds. Anaïs Nin: An Introduction. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1979. Print.
Fraser, Wayne. The Dominion of Women: The Personal and the Political in Canadian Women's Literature. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991. Print.
Freke, Elizabeth and Raymond A. Anselment, eds. The Remembrances of Elizabeth Freke, 1671-1714. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Print.
Frye, Northrop and Robert D. Denham, eds. A World in a Grain of Sand: Twenty-Two Interviews with Northrop Frye. New York: P. Lang, 1991. Print.
Gallagher, Philip J., Eugene R. Cunnar, and Gail L. Mortimer, eds. Milton, the Bible, and Misogyny. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1990. Print.
Gamache, Lawrence B., Ian S. MacNiven, and Harry Thornton Moore, eds. The Modernists: Studies in a Literary Phenomenon: Essays in Honor of Harry T Moore. Rutherford N.J. London: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; Associated University Presses, 1987. Print.
Geronimo1909, S. M. Barrett, and Frederick W. Turner, eds. Geronimo's Story of His Life; Geronimo: His Own Story. New York: Dutton, 1970. Print.
Godwin, Francis and John A. Butler, eds. The Man in the Moon. Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions, 1995. Print.
Haldeman, Joe W. Worlds Apart. New York: Viking Press, 1983. Print.
Hayter, Stanley William, and Geneva . Musee d'art et d'histoire. Cabinet des estampes, eds. Stanley William Hayter, 40 Ans De Gravure. Geneve,: Musee d'art et d'histoire, 1966. Print.
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, and John A. Butler, eds. Pagan Religion: A Translation of De Religione Gentilium. Ottawa Binghamton, N.Y.: Dovehouse Editions; Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1996. Print.
Herlihy, James Leo. Midnight Cowboy. New York: Avon Books, 1976. Print.
Hill-Tout, Charles, and Ralph Maud, eds. The Salish People: The Local Contribution of Charles Hill-Tout. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1978. Print.
Hinz, Evelyn J. and Wayne Fraser, eds. The World of Anaïs Nin: Critical and Cultural Perspectives. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1978. Print.
Hinz, Evelyn J. and Robert Kroetsch, eds. Beyond Nationalism: The Canadian Literary Scene in Global Perspective. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1981. Print.
Hinz, Evelyn J. and University of Manitoba, eds. Death and Dying. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1982. Print.
Hinz, Evelyn J., ed. DATA and ACTA: Aspects of Life-Writing. Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba, 1987. Print.
---. Diet and Discourse: Eating, Drinking and Literature. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1991. Print.
---. For Better Or Worse: Attitudes Toward Marriage in Literature. 2nd ed. Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba, 1985. Print.
---. Idols of Otherness: The Rhetoric and Reality of Multiculturalism. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1996. Print.
---. The Lure of the Androgyne. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1997. Print. Mosaic (Winnipeg, Man.). v. 30, no. 3. Sept. 1997 .
---. The Mirror and the Garden: Realism and Reality in the Writings of Anaïs Nin. Columbus, Ohio: Publications Committee Ohio State University Libraries, 1971. Print.
---. The Mirror and the Garden: Realism and Reality in the Writings of Anaïs Nin. Columbus, Ohio: Publications Committee Ohio State University Libraries, 1971. Print.
---. The Mirror and the Garden: Realism and Reality in the Writings of Anaïs Nin. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973. Print.
---. Troops Versus Tropes: War and Literature. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1990. Print.
Hipskind, Judith. Palmistry: The Whole View : A Humanistic Guide to Inner Awareness. 1st ed. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications, 1977. Print.
Hochman, Sandra. Voyage Home: Poems. Paris: Two Cities Editions, 1960. Print.
Huber, Barbara Weir. Transforming Psyche. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1999. Print.
International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, and Nicholas Ruddick, eds. State of the Fantastic: Studies in the Theory and Practice of Fantastic Literature and Film: Selected Essays from the Eleventh International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, 1990. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1992. Print.
Ippolito, Donna, Adele Aldridge illustrator, and Anaïs Nin, eds. Erotica. Riverside, Conn.: Artists & Alchemists Publications, 1975. Print.
Jason, Philip K., ed. The Critical Response to Anaïs Nin. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1996. Print.
---. Shaping: New Poems in Traditional Prosodies. Washington: Dryad Press, 1978. Print.
Kadar, Marlene, ed. Essays on Life Writing: From Genre to Critical Practice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992. Print.
Kamboureli, Smaro, and Shirley Neuman, eds. A Mazing Space: Writing Canadian Women Writing. Edmonton: Longspoon Press : NeWest Press, 1986. Print.
Kamboureli, Smaro. In the Second Person. Edmonton: Longspoon Press, 1985. Print.
Ketterer, David. Frankenstein's Creation: The Book, the Monster, and Human Reality. Victoria, B.C.: English Literary Studies University of Victoria, 1979. Print.
Klassen, Kirsten L. Katelyn's Affection: A Novel. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 2004. Print.
Klassen, William. Love of Enemies: The Way to Peace. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984. Print.
---. Release to those in Prison. Scottdale, Pa. ; Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1977. Print.
Klein, Leonard S., ed. Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century. Rev. ed. New York: Ungar c1981-1984Print.
Klostermaier, Doris M. Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach: The Victory of a Tenacious Will. Riverside, Calif.: Ariadne Press, 1997. Print.
Knapp, Bettina Liebowitz,. Anaïs Nin. New York: Ungar, 1978. Print.
---. Jean Racine: Mythos and Renewal in Modern Theater. University,: University of Alabama Press, 1971. Print.
Kraft, Barbara, and Anaïs Nin, eds. The Restless Spirit : Journal of a Gemini. Millbrae, Calif.: Les Femmes Pub., 1976. Print. Journal of a Gemini .
Kroetsch, Robert,. Advice to My Friends: A Continuing Poem. Don Mills, Ont.: Stoddart, 1985. Print.
---. Excerpts from the Real World: A Prose Poem in Ten Parts. Lantzville, B.C.: Oolichan Books, 1986. Print.
---. The Puppeteer: A Novel. Toronto: Random House of Canada, 1992. Print.
---. The Sad Phoenician. Toronto, Coach House Press, c1979:Print.
---. What the Crow Said. Don Mills, Ont.: General Pub. Co., 1978. Print.
Levernier, James, and Douglas R. Wilmes, eds. American Writers before 1800: A Biographical and Critical Dictionary. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1983. Print.
Literature and Altered States of Consciousness. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1986. Print.
Livesay, Dorothy. Ice Age. Erin, Ont.: Press Porcepic, 1975. Print.
MacKinnon, Brian, and Margaret Alison Shaw, eds. Fathers & Heroes: Poems by Brian MacKinnon; Photographs by Margaret Shaw. Winnipeg: Prairie Pub. Co., 1982. Print.
Marbeck, Pilgram, William Klassen, and Walter Klaassen, eds. The Writings of Pilgram Marpeck. Kitchener, Ont.; Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1978. Print.
Markotic, Nicole. Connect the Dots. Toronto: Wolsak and Wynn, 1994. Print.
---. Yellow Pages: A Catalogue of Intentions. Red Deer, Alta.: Red Deer College Press, 1995. Print.
Martin, Jay. Always Merry and Bright: The Life of Henry Miller: An Unauthorized Biography. Santa Barbara, Calif. London: Capra Press; Sheldon Press, 1978. Print.
Mathieu, Bertrand. Orpheus in Brooklyn: Orphism, Rimbaud, and Henry Miller. The Hague: Mouton, 1976. Print.
Mazonowicz, Douglas. Voices from the Stone Age: A Search for Cave and Canyon Art. London: Allen and Unwin, 1975. Print.
McGovern, Ann, and Hope Herman Wurmfeld, eds. Black is Beautiful. Starline ed. New York: Scholastic Book Services, 1969. Print.
Merchant, Hoshang. In-Discretions: Anaïs Nin. Calcutta: Writers Workshop, 1990. Print.
Meyer, Joyce. Ricordi. Winnipeg: Queenston House, 1982. Print. Ricordi : Remembrances of Italy .
Middleton, Thomas. A Trick to Catch the Old One, 1608. Menston, Eng.: Scolar Press], 1970. Print.
Miller, Henry. The Air-Conditioned Nightmare. New York: New Directions, 1970. Print.
---. Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch. New York: New Directions, 1957. Print.
---. Book of Friends; Henry Miller's Book of Friends : A Tribute to Friends of Long Ago. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Capra Press, 1976. Print.
---. The Colossus of Maroussi. New York: Pocket Books, 1975. Print.
---. The Cosmological Eye. New York: New Directions, 1973. Print.
---. First Impressions of Greece. 1st ed. Santa Barbara, Ca.: Capra Press, 1973. Print.
---. Gliding into the Everglades, and Other Essays. Lake Oswego, Or.: Lost Pleiade Press, 1977. Print.
---. Joey: A Loving Portrait of Alfred Perles Together with some Bizarre Episodes Relating to the Opposite Sex. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Capra Press, 1979. Print.
---. J'Suis Pas Plus Con Qu'Un Autre. Paris: Buchet/Chastel, 1976. Print.
---. Just Wild about Harry: A Melo-Melo in Seven Scenes. New York: New Directions Publishing Corp., 1979. Print.
---. Maurizius Forever; Reflections on the Maurizius Case: A Humble Appraisal of a Great Book. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, 1974. Print.
---. My Bike & Other Friends: II of Book of Friends. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, 1978. Print.
---. Reflections on the Death of Mishima. 1st English , 2d printing ed. Santa Barbara, Ca.: Capra Press, 1972. Print.
---. Sextet. Santa Barbara Calif.: Capra Press, 1977. Print.
---. The Theatre & Other Pieces. [1st ] ed. New York, NY: Stroker, 1979. Print.
---. Tropic of Cancer. New York: Grove Press, 1961. Print.
---. Tropic of Capricorn. New York: Ballantine Books, 1973. Print.
---. The Waters Reglitterized: The Subject of Water Color in some of its More Liquid Phases. Santa Barbara, CA.: Capra Press, 1973. Print.
---. The World of Lawrence: A Passionate Appreciation. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Capra Press, 1980. Print.
Miller, Henry, Evelyn J. Hinz, and John J. Teunissen, eds. The World of Lawrence: A Passionate Appreciation. London: Calder, 1985. Print.
Miller, Henry. On Turning Eighty; Journey to an Antique Land; Foreword to the Angel is My Watermark. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Capra Press, 1972. Print.
Miller, Henry and Robert Snyder, eds. This is Henry, Henry Miller from Brooklyn: Conversations with the Author from the Henry Miller Odyssey. Los Angeles, Calif.: Nash Pub., 1974. Print.
Miller, Henry and Twinka Thiebaud, eds. Reflections: Henry Miller. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, 1981. Print.
Momaday, N. Scott. The Gourd Dancer: Poems. 1st ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1976. Print.
---. The Names: A Memoir. 1st ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1976. Print.
Nahal, Chaman Lal. The Narrative Pattern in Ernest Hemingway's Fiction. Delhi: Vikas Publ., 1971. Print.
Neiman, Gilbert. There is a Tyrant in Every Country. [1st ] ed. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1947. Print.
New World Conference, Joseph S. Tulchin, and Marea A. Leal, eds. Hemispheric Perspectives on the United States: Papers from the New World Conference. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1978. Print.
Nin, Anaïs. Anaïs Nin Reader. 1st ed. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1973. Print.
---. Children of the Albatross. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company Inc., 1947. Print.
---. Les cites interieures. Paris: Stock, 1978. Print.
---. La Cloche De Verre. Paris: Editions des femmes, 1976. Print.
---. Delta of Venus: Erotica. 1st ed. New York: Bantam Books, 1978. Print.
---. Delta of Venus: Erotica. 1st ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977. Print.
---. DH Lawrence: An Unprofessional Study. Chicago: Swallow, 1964. Print.
---. DH Lawrence: An Unprofessional Study. London: Black Spring, 1985. Print.
---. The Early Diary of Anaïs Nin. 1st ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. Print. Linotte, the Early Diary of Anaïs Nin .
---. Henry and June: From the Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin. 1st -- ed. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986. Print.
---. House of Incest. Chicago: The Swallow Press, 1958. Print.
---. House of Incest. s.l.: Gemor PressPrint.
---. In Favor of the Sensitive Man, and Other Essays. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976. Print.
---. Ladders to Fire. 1st ed. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1946. Print.
---. Ladders to Fire; Les Miroirs Dans Le Jardin: Roman Americain. Paris: Stock, 1962. Print.
---. Little Birds: Erotica. 1st ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. Print.
---. La Maison De l'Inceste. Paris: Editions des femmes, 1976. Print.
---. The Novel of the Future. New York: Macmillan, 1968. Print.
---. La seduction Du Minotaure; Suivi De Collages; Romans. Paris: Editions Stock, 1974. Print. Collages.
---. Seduction of the Minotaur. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1961. Print.
---. A Spy in the House of Love. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1959. Print.
---. A Spy in the House of Love. [1st American ] ed. Paris, New York,: British Book Centre, 1954. Print.
---. Under a Glass Bell and Other Stories. Chicago: The Swallow Press Inc., 1948. Print.
---. Venus; Erotica. Paris: Stock, 1978. Print.
---. Waste of Timelessness, and Other Early Stories. Weston, Conn. New York: Magic Circle Press; distributed by Walker, 1977. Print.
---. Winter of Artifice: Three Novelettes. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1948. Print.
Nin, Anaïs, et al, eds. Je Suis Le Plus Malade Des surrealistes : Antonin Artaud. Liege: Editions Dynamo, 1966. Print.
Nin, Anaïs, and William Burford, eds. On Writing. Yonkers, N.Y.,: O. Baradinsky, 1947. Print. Art of Anaïs Nin .
Nin, Anaïs and Manuel Carbonell translator, eds. Una Espia En La Casa Del Amor. Barcelona: Edicions Proa, 1968. Print. A Spy in the House of Love .
Nin, Anaïs, et al, eds. Diary of Anaïs Nin; Portrait in Three Dimensions. 1st ed. s.l.: Concentric Circle Press, 1979. Print.
Nin, Anaïs, and Valerie Harms, eds. Celebration! with Anaïs Nin. Riverside, Conn.: Magic Circle Press, 1973. Print.
Nin, Anaïs, and Evelyn J. Hinz, eds. Ce Que Je Voulais Vous Dire. Paris: Stock, 1980. Print.
---. A Woman Speaks: The Lectures, Seminars, and Interviews of Anaïs Nin. 1st British ed. London: W.H. Allen, 1978. Print.
---. A Woman Speaks: The Lectures, Seminars, and Interviews of Anaïs Nin. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1975. Print.
Nin, Anaïs, and Ian Hugo illustrator, eds. This Hunger. New York: Gemor Press, 1945. Print.
Nin, Anaïs, Henry Miller, and Gunther Stuhlmann, eds. A Literate Passion: From the Letters of Anaïs Nin and Henry Miller, 1932-1953. San Diego, Calif.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987. Print.
Nin, Anaïs, Joaquin Nin-Culmell, and Marie-Claire Van der Elst, eds. Journal d'Enfance. Paris: Stock, 1979. Print.
Nin, Anaïs, and Kanoko Okamoto, eds. The White Blackbird and Other Writings. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Capra Press, 1985. Print.
Nin, Anaïs, and Gunther Stuhlmann editor, eds. The Diary of Anaïs Nin. New York: Swallow Press/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1966. Print.
Nin, Anaïs, and Gunther Stuhlmann, eds. Diaries; Journal. Paris: Stock, 1969. Print.
---. The Diary of Anaïs Nin. Denver New York: Swallow Press; Harcourt Brace & World, 1966. Print.
---. Journal. Paris: Stock, 1970. Print.
---. A Photographic Supplement to the Diary of Anaïs Nin. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974. Print. The Diary of Anaïs Nin.
Nin, Joaquïn. Pro Arte e Ideas y Comentarios. Barcelona: Dirosa, 1974. Print. Ideas y Comentarios .
Nin-Culmell, Joaquin. Dedication Mass: SATB Choir and Organ. Cincinnati: World Library of Sacred Music, 1970. Print.
Ong, Walter J. Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality, and Consciousness. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1981. Print.
Patchen, Kenneth. Poems of Humor & Protest. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1942. Print.
Pearson, John. Begin Sweet World. 1st ed. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1976. Print.
---. To be Nobody Else. Palo Alto, Calif.,: Jomeri Publications; distributor: Book People Berkeley Calif., 1968. Print.
Pearson, John, and Anaïs Nin, eds. The Sun's Birthday. 1st ed. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1973. Print.
Pickersgill, Frank H. D., and George H. Ford, eds. The Making of a Secret Agent: Letters of 1934-1943. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1978. Print.
Pierre-Quint, Leon, Hamish Miles (translator), and Sheila Miles (translator), eds. Marcel Proust, His Life and Work. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1927. Print.
Plumstead, A W (Arthur William), compiler. The Wall and the Garden: Selected Massachusetts Election Sermons, 1670-1775. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1968. Print.
Pole, Reginald. "The Dancing of Sadie Brown". South Acton, Greater London: Woodgates & Sons printersPrint.
Porter, Bern. What Henry Miller Said and Why it is Important. [1st ed.] Pasadena: D. Turrell, 1964. Print.
Porter, Darwin. Venus: A Novel. New York: Arbor House, 1982. Print.
Porter, David T. The Art of Emily Dickinson's Early Poetry. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966. Print.
Powell, Lawrence Clark. The Blue Train. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, 1977. Print.
Purdy, Al. The Poems of Al Purdy. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1976. Print.
Purdy, Al. 2000, and Bob Waller, eds. In Search of Owen Roblin. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1974. Print.
Rainer, Tristine. The New Diary: How to use a Journal for Self-Guidance and Expanded Creativity. Los Angeles New York: J.P. Tarcher; Distributed by St. Martin's Press, 1978. Print.
Rank, Otto. The Trauma of Birth. London New York: Kegan Paul Trench Trubner; Harcourt Brace, 1929. Print.
Rank, Otto and Jessie Taft, eds. Truth and Reality; a Life History of the Human Will,. [1st American ] ed. New York,: Knopf, 1936. Print. Wahrheit Und Wirklichkeit.
Rempel, W. John, and Ursula M. Rempel, eds. Music and Literature. Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba, 1985. Print. Mosaic (Winnipeg, Man.). Special Number.
Rimbaud, Arthur, Bertrand Mathieu, and Jim Dine, eds. A Season in Hell. Cambridge, Mass.: Pomegranate Press, 1976. Print.
Rogers, Jaqueline McLeod. Two Sides to a Story: Gender Difference in Student Narrative. Winnipeg: Inkshed Pub., 1996. Print.
Rogers, Jaqueline McLeod. Aspects of the Female Novel. Wakefield, N.H.: Longwood Academic, 1991. Print.
Rojas, Fernando and Lesley Byrd Simpson, eds. The Celestina, a Novel in Dialogue. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1955. Print.
Sawyer, Robert J. Rollback. 1st ed. New York: Tor Books, 2007. Print.
Schneider, Duane, and Anaïs Nin, eds. An Interview with Anaïs Nin. [1st ] ed. Athens, Ohio: [D. Schneider Press], 1970. Print.
Schnitzer, Deborah. The Pictorial in Modernist Fiction from Stephen Crane to Ernest Hemingway. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1988. Print.
"Scruncheons: A Review of Creative Writing in Newfoundland." (1972) Print.
Sewall, Samuel and Sidney Kaplan, eds. The Selling of Joseph: A Memorial. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1969. Print.
Shaw-MacKinnon, Margaret. The Beech Nut of Big Water Beach. 1st ed. Teulon, MB: Aivilo Press, 2008. Print.
Shaw-MacKinnon, Margaret and Laszlo Gal, eds. Tiktala. Toronto: Stoddart, 1996. Print.
Sidney, Philip. Apologie for Poetrie; the Defence of Poesie, 1595. Menston, Eng.: Scolar Press, 1968. Print.
Smith, Douglas. The Light of our Bones: A Sequence for Lawrence on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Death of DH Lawrence. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1980. Print.
Snyder, Robert L. Anaïs Nin Par Elle-meme. Montreal: Stanke, 1977. Print.
Snyder, Robert,. Anaïs Nin Observed: From a Film Portrait of a Woman as Artist. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1976. Print. Anaïs Nin Observed (Motion Picture).
Spencer, Sharon, ed. Anaïs, Art and Artists: A Collection of Essays. Greenwood, Fla.: Penkevill Pub. Co., 1986. Print.
---. Collage of Dreams: The Writings of Anaïs Nin. 1st ed. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1977. Print.
Squires, Michael, and Dennis Jackson, eds. DH Lawrence's "Lady: A New Look at Lady Chatterley's Lover. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press, 1985. Print.
St Armand, Barton Levi. The Roots of Horror in the Fiction of H P Lovecraft. 1st ed. Elizabethtown, N.Y.: Dragon Press, 1977. Print.
Steinberg, David, ed. The Erotic Impulse: Honoring the Sensual Self. Los Angeles, CA: J.P. Tarcher/Perigee, 1992. Print.
Stobie, Margaret R. Frederick Philip Grove. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1973. Print.
Stouck, David, ed. Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House: Five Decades of Criticism. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. Print.
Sugg, Richard P. ed. Jungian Literary Criticism. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1992. Print.
Sutin, Lawrence. Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K Dick. Uncorrect proof ed. New York: Harmony Books, 1989. Print.
Tedlock, E. W. (Ernest Warnock). You See I Don't Forget: Selected Poems & Stories. Alamo, CA: Holmgangers Press, 1980. Print.
Teunissen, John J., and University of Manitoba, eds. Other Worlds: Fantasy and Science Fiction since 1939. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1980. Print.
Teunissen, John J., ed. Contexts: The Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba, 1988. Print.
Thacker, Robert. Alice Munro: Writing Her Lives: A Biography. Toronto: M&S, 2005. Print.
---. The Great Prairie Fact and Literary Imagination. 1st ed. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1989. Print.
Toles, George E., and University of Manitoba, eds. Film/literature. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1983. Print. Mosaic (Winnipeg, Man.) .
Tregebov, Rhea,. Mapping the Chaos. Montreal: Vehicule Press, 1995. Print.
---. The Proving Grounds. Montreal: Signal Editions, 1991. Print.
Tytell, John. Passionate Lives: DH Lawrence, F Scott Fitzgerald, Henry Miller, Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath--in Love. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Pub. Group, 1991. Print.
Vaughan, Henry1695, and Alan Rudrum, eds. The Complete Poems [of] Henry Vaughan. Harmondsworth ; Baltimore etc. Penguin,:, 1976. Print.
Verduyn, Christl, ed. Margaret Laurence: An Appreciation. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press, 1988. Print.
Wagner-Martin, Linda, ed. Ernest Hemingway: Six Decades of Criticism. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 1987. Print.
Wall, Kathleen. The Callisto Myth from Ovid to Atwood: Initiation and Rape in Literature. Kingston, Ont.: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1988. Print.
The Widening Circle. Columbus, Ohio,: Richard Centing. Print.
Wilde, Oscar, and Donald L. Lawler, eds. The Picture of Dorian Gray: Authoritative Texts, Backgrounds, Reviews and Reactions, Criticism. 1st ed. New York: Norton, 1988. Print.
Williams, Roger, John J. Teunissen, and Evelyn J. Hinz, eds. A Key into the Language of America. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1973. Print.
Williams, David L. Faulkner's Women: The Myth and the Muse. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1977. Print.
Williams, David. The Burning Wood. Toronto: Anansi, 1975. Print.
---. Confessional Fictions: A Portrait of the Artist in the Canadian Novel. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. Print.
---. Eye of the Father. Toronto: Anansi, 1985. Print.
---. The River Horsemen. Toronto: Anansi, 1981. Print.
Winks, Robin W., and Bicentennial Committee for International Conferences of Americanists, eds. Other Voices, Other Views: An International Collection of Essays from the Bicentennial. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1978. Print.
Winnipeg Writers Workshop, ed. I Want to Meet You there: The Poetry of W3, Winnipeg Writers Workshop. Winnipeg: Hanaco Press, 1976. Print.
Wood, Beatrice, and Helen V. Hooper, eds. The Angel Who Wore Black Tights. Ojai: Rogue Press, 1982. Print.
Young, Noel, ed. The Capra Chapbook Anthology. Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1979. Print.
Zelazny, Roger. Lord of Light. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979. Print.
The Nin Literary Collection contains a vast amount and array of documents which were given to Dr. Evelyn Hinz by Anaïs Nin. This collection is in processing.
Audio Files
Audio Files
The Nin Literary Collection has a collection of audio files recorded by Dr. Evelyn Hinz while she conducted interview based research. The cassette tapes are in the collection, and have also been transcibed.
Some of those interviewed include: Anais Nin, Henry Miller, Rupert Pole, Hugh Guiler, and many others.
Example Clips:
Anais Nin Interview:
Henry Miller Interview:
Gloria Vanderbilt Interview:
Lawrence Durrell Interview:
Rupert Pole Interview:
Rebecca West Interview:
Alfred Perles Interview:
The Nin Literary Collection contains a vast amount and array of photographs which were given to Dr. Evelyn Hinz by Anaïs Nin. This collection is in processing. For more information please contact the library at
Example Photographs in the Nin Literary Collection:
St Thomas More College Shannon Library holds no copyright over the photos displayed here. These photos, used in any way, require the user to obtain copyright privilege use from the photographer, or from their estate. The Shannon library does not know the names of the photographers in question.
The Nin Literary Collection contains original, hand-written correspondence given to Dr. Evelyn Hinz by Anaïs Nin. Due to the loose-leaf, unbound nature of the material, this collection must be viewed under direct supervision. Please contact the library for access to this material at
Some of this collection has been processed and some is still in processing.