
Picture of  Allan Adam

Allan Adam
Sessional Instructor Languages, Literatures, and Cultural Studies

Picture of  Marissa Alarcon

Marissa Alarcon
Sessional Instructor

Picture of  Connie Andersen

Connie Andersen BA, CFRE
Director of Advancement

Picture of  Jacquie Berg

Jacquie Berg
Director of Communications, Marketing, and Student Recruitment

Picture of  Earl Bernardo

Earl Bernardo
IT Helpdesk Support Technician

Picture of  Linda Berry

Linda Berry BA
Academic Advising and Career Readiness Officer

Picture of  Henri Biahé

Henri Biahé
Assistant Professor Languages, Literatures, and Cultural Studies

Picture of  Gregory Boldt

Gregory Boldt
Sessional instructor

Picture of  Carleigh Brady

Carleigh Brady
Sessional Instructor English

Picture of  Shakti Brazier-Tompkins

Shakti Brazier-Tompkins
Sessional Instructor English

Picture of  Carie Buchanan

Carie Buchanan
Associate Professor; Department Head, Psychology

Picture of  Meridith Burles

Meridith Burles
Term Faculty Sociology

Picture of  William Buschert

William Buschert
Sessional Instructor

Picture of  Tracey Carr

Tracey Carr
Sessional Instructor Psychology

Picture of  Greg Clemence

Greg Clemence
Facilities Manager

Picture of Shirley Cuschieri

Shirley Cuschieri BA
Executive Assistant to the President

Picture of  Darren Dahl

Darren Dahl
Sessional Instructor Philosophy; Religion and Culture

Picture of  Daniel DeLury

Daniel DeLury
Sessional Instructor Sociology

Picture of  Terry Downey

Terry Downey
Emeritus President

Picture of  Tania Duclos

Tania Duclos
Assistant Professor Languages, Literatures, and Cultural Studies

Picture of  Derek Eisner

Derek Eisner
Sessional Instructor Political Studies

Picture of Marina Ellis

Marina Ellis BComm

Picture of  Adam Epp

Adam Epp
Sessional Instructor English

Picture of  Janel Fergusson

Janel Fergusson
Term Faculty Psychology

Picture of  Christopher Foley

Christopher Foley
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Nadya Foty-Oneschuk

Nadya Foty-Oneschuk
Term Faculty Languages, Literatures, and Cultural Studies

Picture of  Michelle Gall

Michelle Gall BA
Student Recruitment Officer

Picture of  Amanda Gieni

Amanda Gieni
Library Technician & Records Manager

Picture of  Susanne Guenther Loewen

Susanne Guenther Loewen
Sessional Instructor Peace Studies

Picture of  Fachrizal A. Halim

Fachrizal A. Halim
Term Faculty Religion and Culture

Specialized in Islamic legal and intellectual history, contemporary Islam, Christian-Muslim relations, mysticism, and Islamic rituals and practices.

Picture of  Shannon Harnett-Smith

Shannon Harnett-Smith
Advancement Assistant

Picture of  Christopher Hrynkow

Christopher Hrynkow
Professor, Religion and Culture; Co-Director of the Centre for Faith, Reason, Peace, and Justice

Picture of Monica Hwang

Monica Hwang
Associate Professor; Department Head, Sociology

Picture of  Ria Jenkins

Ria Jenkins
Assistant Professor; Department Head, Philosophy

Picture of  Meera Kachroo

Meera Kachroo
Sessional Instructor Religion and Culture

Picture of  Pat Kelly

Pat Kelly
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Michael Klaassen

Michael Klaassen
Sessional Instructor History

Picture of  Jeffrey Klassen

Jeffrey Klassen
Sessional Instructor Languages, Literatures, and Cultural Studies

Picture of  Anna Klimina

Anna Klimina
Associate Professor; Department Head, Economics

Picture of  Daniel Krahn

Daniel Krahn
Sessional Instructor English

Picture of Arul Kumaran

Arul Kumaran
Associate Professor English

Picture of  Harry Lafond

Harry Lafond
STM Scholar in Indigenous Education

Picture of  Andre Lalach

Andre Lalach
Campus Minister, Priest

Picture of  Simon Lasair

Simon Lasair
Visiting Researcher/Research Associate

Picture of Michael MacLean

Michael MacLean M.R.E.
Campus Minister

Picture of  Richard Manley-Tannis

Richard Manley-Tannis
Adjunct Professor

Picture of  Jim Mariano

Jim Mariano
System Administrator

Picture of  Corinne Rae Mathews

Corinne Rae Mathews
Library Technician

Picture of Richard Medernach

Richard Medernach MEd
Manager of Student Experience and Enrolment

Picture of  Laura Mitchell

Laura Mitchell
Research and Academic Program Administrator

Picture of  Andrew Moore

Andrew Moore
Sessional Instructor History

Picture of  Emily Morris

Emily Morris
Sessional Instructor English

Picture of  Saeed Moshiri

Saeed Moshiri
Professor, Economics; Acting Department Head, Languages, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies

Picture of  Dercilio Neto

Dercilio Neto B.Comm.
Accounting Clerk

Picture of  Benjamin Neudorf

Benjamin Neudorf
Sessional Instructor English

Picture of  Martin Nord

Martin Nord
Assistant Librarian

Picture of  Shelby Novak

Shelby Novak
Sessional Instructor Psychology

Picture of  Kate O'Gorman

Kate O'Gorman
Executive Assistant to the Dean

Picture of  Anita Ogurlu

Anita Ogurlu
Sessional Instructor Sociology

Picture of  Jeongeun Park

Jeongeun Park
Term Faculty Religion and Culture

Picture of  Heather Peters

Heather Peters
Sessional Instructor Peace Studies

Picture of  Nelly Plantiveau

Nelly Plantiveau
Sessional Instructor Languages, Literatures, and Cultural Studies

Picture of  Michael Poellet

Michael Poellet
Sessional Instructor Philosophy

Picture of Alisha Pomazon

Alisha Pomazon
Assistant Professor; Department Head Religion and Culture

Picture of  Derrin Raffey

Derrin Raffey
CFO and Director of Administration

Picture of  Sherry Richert

Sherry Richert
Indigenous Initiatives Administrator

Picture of Dr. Gertrude Rompré

Dr. Gertrude Rompré Ed.D.
Director of Mission and Ministry; Co-Director of the Centre for Faith, Reason, Peace, and Justice

Picture of  Lesya Sabada

Lesya Sabada
Sessional Instructor Religion and Culture; Catholic Studies; Peace Studies

Picture of  Penny Sanz

Penny Sanz
Sessional Instructor Religion and Culture

Picture of  Wayne Schlapkohl

Wayne Schlapkohl
Sessional Instructor Psychology

Picture of  Peggy Schmeiser

Peggy Schmeiser
Adjunct Professor

Picture of  Dean Schmidt

Dean Schmidt BA
Student Academic Services Specialist

Picture of  Colin Schwartz

Colin Schwartz
Sessional Instructor Psychology

Picture of  Celene Sidloski

Celene Sidloski
Sessional Instructor English

Picture of  Kari Sinkewicz

Kari Sinkewicz
Manager of Alumni & Donor Engagement

Picture of  Paul Sinkewicz

Paul Sinkewicz BA
Marketing, Communications, and Advancement Assistant

Picture of  Allison Smith

Allison Smith
Term Faculty Languages, Literatures, and Cultural Studies

Picture of  Charles Smith

Charles Smith
Associate Professor Political Studies

Picture of  Cheryl Soulodre

Cheryl Soulodre
Emerita Professor

Picture of  Katerina  Standish

Katerina Standish
Sessional Instructor Peace Studies

Picture of  Kerry Stefaniuk

Kerry Stefaniuk
Associate Director of Human Resources

Picture of Stacy Stillwell

Stacy Stillwell BSc
Information Technology Manager

Picture of  Karin Tate

Karin Tate
Sessional Instructor History

Picture of  Heather Wagg

Heather Wagg
Sessional Instructor

Picture of  Josh Wallace

Josh Wallace
Sessional Instructor Religion and Culture

Picture of  Caitlin Ward

Caitlin Ward
Manager of Engaged Learning

Picture of  Bryan Wiebe

Bryan Wiebe
Sessional Instructor Philosophy

Picture of  Celeste Woloschuk

Celeste Woloschuk BTh (Hons)
Campus Minister

Picture of  Sharon Wright

Sharon Wright
Professor, History; Director, Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies

Picture of  Dan Yasinski

Dan Yasinski
College Chaplain Campus Ministry

Picture of  David York

David York
Sessional Instructor Political Studies

Picture of Cheryl Yuzwa

Cheryl Yuzwa
College Secretary

Picture of  Zachary Yuzwa

Zachary Yuzwa
Assistant Professor; Department Head, History

Picture of  Hongbin Zhang

Hongbin Zhang
Term Faculty Economics

Picture of  Jason Zorbas

Jason Zorbas
Sessional Instructor Political Studies